Dunno, but some have suggested it was directed at Zeke Jones. Sort of a "Still think your ranked 125 pounder has a shot at beating me?" gesture.
And yet, this move by Jones gave every wrestling fan something more to look at instead of two “ho hum” matches. It worked well for us and won’t hurt their #7. Great for wrestling. I’m all for it.
I’m also all for Scnhupp. When we get to see kids improve....it’s all thumbs up. We may never get to see what he might turn into but his improvement is easy to see even if he wasn’t ready for the pace in the 1st period.
The ASU sleeper at 184 sure put the ref in an awkward spot to not call a final stall in favor of giving Shak a chance to end it.
I thought there was a point of emphasis this year about the corner coaches staying....in the corner? Or was it that they just have to stay in the building??
Like it or not, if the swat Marky Mark put on AZ was done by Rutgers....we would be apoplectic. Jones had a legitimate gripe.
Outside of 184....Jones had his guys wrestling. Some interesting tactics but in general the wrestling was compelling.
I’m thinking RBY could be called what I used to coach my kids to be.....Vapor. He literally evaporates in front of his opponents when they shoot. The number of actual misses is crazy.
Berge will have an interesting few practices. I’m guessing Justin Ortega might be called in for some coaching on how to turn not shooting into an art form. Thank goodness Berge wasn’t on the visitors mat.
If you aren’t drooling over another match between the kings of 174......well, then you aren’t like me.
Yet another match where Moljnir appreared attached to the hips of Cenzo. Gotta believe Shields left the mat thinking....wtf was THAT!?!
The terminator was robbed of a team point. Can someone explain how a wrestler on his back for nearly 10 seconds only gives up 2 NF. By and large the ref did a decent job but I wish they could be in position when some predictable moves start....
Was Chapman assigned not as a second ref but a sound sponge for Zeke? I mean..most of the time he was suffering at an arms length away.
Also...caught the ASU coaches laughing at the tall student with the steady stream of really funny shit he was yelling. Lol
Lopsided result. Some great wrestling all around and some great fun!!!