Thoughts on Lavert Hill. PSU hang on to him?

If we hold onto Lavert, I am hard pressed to think of any school with as much young DB talent as PSU. Starting with Marcus Allen and ending with John Reed and Garret Taylor we have the strongest DB corp I have ever seen at PSU. Add to that Lavert and Zach, and we have tremendous talent and depth. In all the discussion concerning Lavert, Zach has been almost a forgotten man....but make no mistake, he can play! I also hope a few of our prospects get to read DJ's letter.....his letter contains his testament of what PSU culture is truly all about.
I hope we can land Hamlin. We are building the kind of big and fast secondary that we'll need if we want to beat Ohio State.
Why delete it? I'm asking a question that I wanted an answer to...chill out.