Right from Fox News..........
- The number of security personnel available to Ambassador Stevens dropped from 38 in May 2012, when he was sworn in, to 9, when he went to Benghazi. It is a very simple concept, a loss of 29 security personnel during a time when there were hundreds of requests to Clinton’s State Department for increased security.
- As with Benghazi, an Accountability Review Board (ARB) for each African bombing was convened. The ARBs faulted the State Department for no accountability for the security in Kenya and Tanzania, and made specific recommendations for future Secretaries of State. But Congress went further. SECCA requires the Secretary to waive any situation where all the embassy buildings are not housed in one facility, as was the case with Benghazi, and states that the decision cannot be delegated.
- Ambassador Stevens was in Benghazi in September 2012 because Clinton requested him to recommend a permanent status for Benghazi.
On the day she swore Stevens in as Ambassador, Clinton requested him to go to Benghazi to determine whether it could be a permanent post.
The report had to be written before the end of the fiscal year, September 30, because funds had to be requested. Moreover, Clinton was planning a trip to exploit that decision later in 2012. The ARB tried to conceal Clinton’s role, falsely claiming that Stevens went there “independently” of Washington, when it had been told the truth by Hicks.