Tonight's coaches show...


Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2006
Anybody else have trouble listening to the coaches show this evening? When using the on-demand section from gopsusports the broadcast comes on. The introduction is there, then when the announcer says "your host, ironhead Jeff Byers", it just plays music and advertisements for the next 37 minutes.
I'm thinking it was a problem with the actual archiving of the show. I did see Roar comment on a few things that Cael talked about in another thread . So the show definitely happened yesterday. I'll try it later this morning and see if anything was fixed.
same issues this morning... was hoping they were just slow to load it last eve.
Yep, nothing today. Anyone have some highlights, or what thread Roar posted?
Yep, nothing today. Anyone have some highlights, or what thread Roar posted?
Bizarre that the broadcast isn't there. Reached out to several administrative folks that can help...and they were already aware, but had no information on timing, or even if it could be recovered. They mentioned another broadcast that was garbled somehow, and there was effort there too.
Bizarre that the broadcast isn't there. Reached out to several administrative folks that can help...and they were already aware, but had no information on timing, or even if it could be recovered. They mentioned another broadcast that was garbled somehow, and there was effort there too.

So give us the details of anything said that we didn't already know. Thanks in advance.
I’m hoping Slush will re-create and upload the Coaches Show masterpiece, Mr. Bean style! :)

Paraphrasing, for anyone interested. Remember, this is from memory :),

-- Good results against a very tough Michigan team, and iirc a reference that all the guys weren't as sharp as they could be...but it's the process, and they'll be ready in March. Some specific comments about specific wrestlers, all positive.
-- Threw out kudos for Massa, coming back from injury to face a top guy just to help his team...spoke volumes of the character of the kid was how I took Cael's comments. Massa will be a tough match-up for all moving forward.
-- Spent a good bit of time talking about Kuhn. Not yet certified, and the challenge is, at this late date, to have him weigh-in close to or at 125, in a hydrated state, to get him in the line-up asap. Challenging. Question from the audience about hydration and the certification process...I personally didn't follow all his comments (explanation). :)
-- Looking forward, said Purdue is a solid team with some great wrestlers, and we need to be ready. Big Ten dual, and all that.

Nick Lee
-- Talked about the thought process of deciding to come out of redshirt. Being ready "at a moment's notice" mentioned several times.
-- Asked about the difference, for him, between freestyle and folkstyle. Said "a wrestling match is a wrestling match", so he minimized the difference. Later talked about bottom wrestling as a difference.
-- Asked about the HS to College difference, said the college guys will expose every weakness, whereas in HS he could get away with much more.
-- Started wrestling as a kindergartener, as it was the only sport available. Too small for football, not very good at basketball, as he was growing up, and besides...he fell in love with wrestling.
-- Personal opinion...nice young man, well-spoken, and mature for a TRFR.

Rick Kaluza
-- Scheduling for wrestling is immensely challenging. Compared to football, where schedules done years in advance, the B1G schedule doesn't come out till summer, and then there's the rush to develop a competitive non-conference schedule...really tough.
-- Talked about the balance season-to-season, so that all competitive duals (tOSU, Iowa, Minnesota were mentioned) aren't at home or away all in the same year.
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Rick Kaluza
-- Scheduling for wrestling is immensely challenging. ...
I remember more from Kaluza's talk:

Rick Kaluza
-- Scheduling for wrestling is immensely challenging. That's why we extend the scheduling in a purely classical way to five dimensions. The five-dimensional metric has 15 components. Ten components are identified with the four-dimensional spacetime metric, four components with the electromagnetic vector potential, and one component with an unidentified scalar field sometimes called the "radion" or the "dilaton" ...
I remember more from Kaluza's talk:

Rick Kaluza
-- Scheduling for wrestling is immensely challenging. That's why we extend the scheduling in a purely classical way to five dimensions. The five-dimensional metric has 15 components. Ten components are identified with the four-dimensional spacetime metric, four components with the electromagnetic vector potential, and one component with an unidentified scalar field sometimes called the "radion" or the "dilaton" ...

Since current String Theory ( M-Theory ) requires 11 dimensions...I think scheduling in 5 dimensions is relative child's play. Side Note: Not giving any credit to Klein has upset his surviving family immensely. Expect a stern letter from their attorney and Coach Harbaugh ( Klein did work at UM....focusing his later work on nasal secretions I believe ) :)
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