Paraphrasing, for anyone interested. Remember, this is from memory

-- Good results against a very tough Michigan team, and iirc a reference that all the guys weren't as sharp as they could be...but it's the process, and they'll be ready in March. Some specific comments about specific wrestlers, all positive.
-- Threw out kudos for Massa, coming back from injury to face a top guy just to help his team...spoke volumes of the character of the kid was how I took Cael's comments. Massa will be a tough match-up for all moving forward.
-- Spent a good bit of time talking about Kuhn. Not yet certified, and the challenge is, at this late date, to have him weigh-in close to or at 125, in a hydrated state, to get him in the line-up asap. Challenging. Question from the audience about hydration and the certification process...I personally didn't follow all his comments (explanation).

-- Looking forward, said Purdue is a solid team with some great wrestlers, and we need to be ready. Big Ten dual, and all that.
Nick Lee
-- Talked about the thought process of deciding to come out of redshirt. Being ready "at a moment's notice" mentioned several times.
-- Asked about the difference, for him, between freestyle and folkstyle. Said "a wrestling match is a wrestling match", so he minimized the difference. Later talked about bottom wrestling as a difference.
-- Asked about the HS to College difference, said the college guys will expose every weakness, whereas in HS he could get away with much more.
-- Started wrestling as a kindergartener, as it was the only sport available. Too small for football, not very good at basketball, as he was growing up, and besides...he fell in love with wrestling.
-- Personal opinion...nice young man, well-spoken, and mature for a TRFR.
Rick Kaluza
-- Scheduling for wrestling is immensely challenging. Compared to football, where schedules done years in advance, the B1G schedule doesn't come out till summer, and then there's the rush to develop a competitive non-conference schedule...really tough.
-- Talked about the balance season-to-season, so that all competitive duals (tOSU, Iowa, Minnesota were mentioned) aren't at home or away all in the same year.