Homicides in the District of Columbia are out of control and DC City Councilman Trayon White is calling for the National Guard. Just in the last week 16 people have been shot and killed.
The interesting part of this the same person asking for help is the guy that voted to slash millions of dollars from police funding in 2020.
Not too smart democrats.

DC Council member calls for National Guard amid surge in homicides - Washington Examiner
Democrat Trayon White Sr. of the DC Council said he wants the National Guard to come to his city after three people were fatally shot and two others were wounded in his district Saturday night. "We need the National Guard in D.C.,” White said. “The crime is out of control and getting worse by the

The interesting part of this the same person asking for help is the guy that voted to slash millions of dollars from police funding in 2020.

DC's City Council Slashed Police Funding. Now, Its Members Want More Cops as Shootings Plague City.
Washington, D.C.'s city council in the summer of 2020 voted to slash millions from the police budget. Now, as homicides surge in the nation's capital, liberal council members want more cops.

Not too smart democrats.
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