Trumble - Bonnacorsi


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2020
Just saw the NC St - Pitt replay on ACC Network. Isaac Trumble was really impressive. He took it to Bonnacorsi and was the better wrestler from the get go. Really nice win for him.
That dual was enjoyable to watch, and closer than the lopsided score might indicate. 33 and 41 we’re both fun bouts with Wilson knocking off Matthews in OT. At 49, Kemerer seemed to have no answers for Ed Scott until he put him on his back with about :15 to go. Bullard also got a 3rd period reversal to knock off Wentzel. Fun dual.
That dual was enjoyable to watch, and closer than the lopsided score might indicate. 33 and 41 we’re both fun bouts with Wilson knocking off Matthews in OT. At 49, Kemerer seemed to have no answers for Ed Scott until he put him on his back with about :15 to go. Bullard also got a 3rd period reversal to knock off Wentzel. Fun dual.
Yeah, I wish I had watched that last night instead of Iowa. I wanted to scout Iowa for the Penn State match, but that match had one bout actually worth watching (Young vs Lee). The rest was Iowa going in dry until HWT, where Gable showed why he's #1.
Yeah, I wish I had watched that last night instead of Iowa. I wanted to scout Iowa for the Penn State match, but that match had one bout actually worth watching (Young vs Lee). The rest was Iowa going in dry until HWT, where Gable showed why he's #1.

I was still able to catch half of the match after the Iowa vs Gable one. They We’re midway through 165 when I turned to the ACC Network.
Pop is a heckuva coach. Really want them to entire the consistent top 5
Trumble with another exciting one last night. Was not nearly as sharp and was losing and clearly out-wrestled (got taken down twice and almost turned), but out of nowhere, got the over-under bearhug outside trip straight to the guy's back and stuck him with 0:01 left in the 2nd. He's quickly becoming one of my favorite non-PSU wrestlers.
Trumble is making his mark on PA kids. First Bonaccorsi. Yesterday was Max Shaw, PA 3rd in 2019.

Aside: Shaw's only loss of the year was to Donovon Ball at states.
Shaw looked good. I believe he was up 4-2 before Trumble threw him on his back for the pin.
When Trumble wrestled Bonaccorsi did he do a lot of upper body stuff? Heard he has a good background with that.
When Trumble wrestled Bonaccorsi did he do a lot of upper body stuff? Heard he has a good background with that.
No, he was shooting in on the legs from the start against Bonnacorsi and was the clear aggressor on the feet, although neither guy got a takedown in the match (Bonnacorsi Houdini'd his way out of a couple scrambles...). Trumble got most of his points on top where he rode Bonnacorsi for the whole second period and turned him for 4 at the end.

In yesterday's match, he was looking for the double underhook from the start and looked like he was trying to throw, but got taken down twice by being too upright in close. He was trying for it again at the end of the 2nd, which I thought was stupid, but Shaw was blocking one of the underhooks, so he went for the over-under bearhug instead and caught him.

As a true freshman, his wrestling is still a little immature and unpolished, but man, is he fun to watch. He's gone from unranked and wrestling extra matches to #3 in Wrestlestat in a little over a week.
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