So, let’s add it up. Trump now hates:Former President Trump has railed against the New York Post, one of the nation’s top tabloid newspapers, after it published an extensive profile of possible 2024 White House candidate Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) over the weekend.
“In writer Salena Zito’s Fake News “puff piece” about DeSantis, which supposedly appeared in the dying New York Post, which is way down in readership just like FoxNews is way down in Ratings, why doesn’t she mention that he wants to cut Social Security & Medicare, loves losers like Jeb Bush, Paul Ryan, and Karl Rove, and is getting CLOBBERED in the polls by me,” Trump wrote on Sunday on Truth Social. “DeSantis is a RINO who is trying to hide his past. I don’t read the New York Post anymore. It has become Fake News, just like Fox & WSJ!”
* The New York Post, increasingly a top outlet for conservatives, having been vindicated in its coverage of Joe Biden’s corruption.
* Salena Zito, who more than any other journalist has covered Trump’s voters intelligently and sympathetically.
* Ron DeSantis, America’s most outstanding governor and a top presidential contender.
* Fox News.
* The Wall Street Journal.
And of course, these are not the only bridges Trump has burned. One has to wonder what is left for Trump. How much more selective can he afford to make his appeal?

Trump's Appeal Becoming More Selective
In the movie This Is Spinal Tap, the over-the-hill band explained its declining crowds by saying that its 'appeal is becoming more selective.' Donald Trump's latest harangue put me in mind of that euphemism: Former President Trump has railed against the New York Post, one of the nation’s top...