Is Trump provocative enough to turn even the most die hard Clinton supporters off?
Yet there is always the dark side of Bill Clinton’s years in office — his affair with Monica Lewinsky and the accusations of sexual assault and harassment that trailed him over the past quarter-century. Whenever Hillary Clinton criticizes Republicans for an ideological “war on women,” critics point to Bill Clinton’s even more personal “war on women.”
It’s an uncomfortable spot for liberals and feminists. To support Hillary Clinton, they must continue the old argument that issues and policy matter more than her husband’s behavior. And besides, they say, it’s Hillary Clinton, not her husband, who is running for president. She’s not responsible for his actions. But she played a role in backing them up. It’s complicated. Marital issues can be rationalized as personal, yet the Clintons’ political marriage makes them “fair game.”
Is Trump provocative enough to turn even the most die hard Clinton supporters off?
Yet there is always the dark side of Bill Clinton’s years in office — his affair with Monica Lewinsky and the accusations of sexual assault and harassment that trailed him over the past quarter-century. Whenever Hillary Clinton criticizes Republicans for an ideological “war on women,” critics point to Bill Clinton’s even more personal “war on women.”
It’s an uncomfortable spot for liberals and feminists. To support Hillary Clinton, they must continue the old argument that issues and policy matter more than her husband’s behavior. And besides, they say, it’s Hillary Clinton, not her husband, who is running for president. She’s not responsible for his actions. But she played a role in backing them up. It’s complicated. Marital issues can be rationalized as personal, yet the Clintons’ political marriage makes them “fair game.”