so all the elites, the Rhino's and D's don't understand the appeal?!... well here it is... my problem dates back to the cram down of ObamaCare... you want to pass national landmark legislation??? get at least one Republican Senate vote to do so... don't use the budget reconciliation gimmick and pass it with only 51 Senate votes.. that cramdown basically created the Tea Party who called BS on that... fast forward 5 years later, and 7 or 8 trillion more in debt, throw in the recently passed Ryan budget deal... the current political class, both D's and R's, do not care about the nation's deficit or illegal immigration. if they did, it wouldn't be where it is. regarding illegal immigration... if you don't like the laws, change them Congress. But don't ignore them. Sanctuary cities??!?!? Really?! If you want those to be legal, then change the laws.. i won't agree with them but i won't have an issue if the Congress gets enough votes to pass it. Same thing with illegal immigration. You want the status quo then change the existing laws to allow for it. And there you have it.