T'was (2017 Version)...


Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2012
T'was the night before Christmas
And all throughout Lorenzo
Not a wrestler was stirring, not even Vincenzo.
The stockings were hung, they were large-not small,
One for each wrestler, to include Wreck Hall.
The coaches had just settled in for a well deserved nap,
When they were awakened by noise on the main Rec Hall mat.
There they found Santa with his sleigh and his sack,
Find the wrestlers he said or get a 'fist to the back'!
So the coaches went off and called the wrestlers by name,
To insure full compliance, they started with Zain.
Come Devin, Corey, Nick Lee and Jason,
Come Bo Pipher, Dominic, McCutcheon and Mason.
Come Bo Nickal, Cassar, Nevills and Cortez,
Come Yanovich, Van Cura, Berge and Lopez.
They came to Rec Hall even though it was late,
They counted 'scoring wrestlers' and came up with eight.
Cael turned to Santa and said very clear,
Why did you call us, why are we here?
Santa looked all around, it was quiet as tomb,
And on this night no one was beating Nico in the room.
Your fans sent a message, Santa said, I want you to hear,
The message is simple and so very clear.
Championships are indeed won on the mat,
But representing Penn State is much more than that.
While wins and bonus points add to a team's score,
Your professionalism and sportsmanship mean so much more.
These last nine years have been an incredible ride,
You've left a great legacy, wear it with pride!
Who knows what the 2017/2018 season will bring,
But we all know one thing-it is good to be king!
So go fight the good fight, to yourselves be so true,
Just remember to ignore long bus rides, average refs and the flu.
We all know your great commitment to giving your best,
We know this because even Mike Evans is impressed.
Santa said this concludes the letter your fans sent to ya,
Now I'm done with my work here, I'm off to Aruba.
Then Santa paused and looked each wrestler in the eye,
Gave a wink to each and said his good-byes.
Santa got to his sleigh, to the team gave a shout,
If Flo is still working, I'll watch every bout.
And I heard him exclaim, even though from afar,
Happy Christmas to all and remember WE ARE...

To all who post here regularly, have a great holiday season. I sincerely appreciate all of the info you provide and the humor is fantastic. Enjoy!
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I loved that. Very well done indeed.

And to you and yours, a very Merry Season.
Excellent Lion-around, and Merry Christmas and a happy, healthy New Year to all.
That was really awesome! And to every one who has posted here or reads this forum, Merry Christmas and God bless you.
Man, you've obviously been waiting a loooooong time for a word that rhymes with Lorenzo ;-)

Great job!
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Lots of FUN Lion-Around

Good Fit for the Nits. :D