Been rumored for a little while that he'd be heading back to California for his college career. Trained with NLWC this year
I am guessing Cael will schedule a dual with Fresno State one year.Good luck AJ! Does anybody know if that means little brother Seth is coming to PSU? Would make a lot of sense, probably the only chance that Seth and AJ actually meet is at the NCAA tournament.
Been rumored for a little while that he'd be heading back to California for his college career. Trained with NLWC this year
Wait, what? I thought I read a very adamant post that said any talk about AJ transferring was just bad trolling ala RUCreedo
Just kidding, and best of luck to you AJ!
My bad, must have been unwrapping my Wonka Bar when he announced.
I give a lot of credit to the parents. I've spoken with Nick, AJ, and Seth (i.e., 3 of the 4 brothers). Each one is easy going, very relaxed, looks you in the face and is serious in their responses, etc. In short, based on my interactions, they really are nice people.
I wish AJ the best of luck. He certainly deserves it.
So that would make 2 of the brothers going to college in CA, and 1 going to college in PA. To keep family balance, the Mississippi flowing properly, etc., it would be appropriate to have the 4th brother go to college in PA. (Offered in good humor. I refrain from offering opinions on where an athlete should go to college. That's their decision.)