Another knowledgeable poster suggested that I may have inadvertently caused problems by calling attention to a couple of Nate Bauer comments, so I wanted to correct that if I could. Please understand, the statement in my title is my opinion, not something that the AD told me. Life is full of surprises, and "Things Change" is one of my favorite phrases, but there is no reason at this juncture to believe that Franklin won't be very successful at Penn State. He wants to be here, and I think that's a very good thing for the program. He's not perfect, but then none of us is.
I apologize if I upset some people by challenging the words of an respected writer on the Blue White Illustrated boards. The apparent impending loss of Shoop is concerning and maybe a little scary for some folks who care a lot about the program, so this is not the best time to rock the boat unnecessarily. Frankly, I believe that if Franklin promotes Brent Pry to full defensive coordinator, Pry will do very well there. Peace. Out.
I apologize if I upset some people by challenging the words of an respected writer on the Blue White Illustrated boards. The apparent impending loss of Shoop is concerning and maybe a little scary for some folks who care a lot about the program, so this is not the best time to rock the boat unnecessarily. Frankly, I believe that if Franklin promotes Brent Pry to full defensive coordinator, Pry will do very well there. Peace. Out.