UNLV QB Matt Sluka Quits Team After Three Games Due To Broken Promises (just when you thought you heard it all in college football!)


Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2008

He is a graduate transfer from Holy Cross. Either his NIL deal is not being fulfilled, or this is a form of tampering with one report indicating another school has offered him more money. In either case, this guy looks like a quitter. College football needs to fix the transfer rules rather quickly as it is all becoming quite ridiculous.
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A ND defensive back also did this earlier this week. And people were upset about players sitting out bowl games.
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Wow. Team is 3-0 and ranked for the first time in a long time. Lots wanted their OC before we hired AK 47.

Wow. When reading the headline I ASSumed that this was a transfer who was leaving because he lost the starting job which he thought was "promised" during recruitment- which may or may not have been the case.- and that with the team going 3-0 under his competitor- he decides to bolt and try another school next year.

This is way over the top. How many STARTING DI QBs are there? How many similar guys have moved to multiple schools looking for that opportunity and never gotten it? This guy comes from relative obscurity, is experiencing success and maybe changing the narrative of a program.

And he QUITS for cash.....

Tampering or not- how do you think he'd be received at a more "Blue Blood" program?


He is a graduate transfer from Holy Cross. Either his NIL deal is not being fulfilled, or this is a form of tampering with one report indicating another school has offered him more money. In either case, this guy looks like a quitter. College football needs to fix the transfer rules rather quickly as it is all becoming quite ridiculous.
I don't know what has actually happened in this instance, but assuming he's not getting his NIL money ... if you had a job, and your employer wasn't paying you, and you had reason to believe he wouldn't pay you in the future ... would you continue to show up for work?

This guy already has a degree from Holy Cross ... assuming he doesn't have pro football aspirations, he doesn't need what UNLV is giving him, unless that's cold hard cash. He was apparently promised (contractually?) money, and he's apparently not getting that ... what's the issue with that? What if he went there, allegedly on scholarship, but the school suddenly, during the season, said "nope, you owe us the full tuition ... we're not giving you a schollie because we just don't want to?" Would you be upset then?
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The problem is this....if a Big 5 team needs a QB they will forget he quit on his team and take him or if he is good enough he will get picked in the draft.

There is now downside to do this if you are the kid.

He is a graduate transfer from Holy Cross. Either his NIL deal is not being fulfilled, or this is a form of tampering with one report indicating another school has offered him more money. In either case, this guy looks like a quitter. College football needs to fix the transfer rules rather quickly as it is all becoming quite ridiculous.
Do these players actually have signed 'contracts' stipulating the terms and conditions of their respective agreements?

Do these players hire an attorney/ agent that understands the legal nuances of this process and that provide reliable counsel?

Would these 'advisors' operate on a flat fee or %ge of the players 'contract'?

If the financial agreement is not actually being fulfilled, is that a 'breach of contract' that opens a loophole for other schools to offer financial incentives to sit out their season and transfer? And what recourse does the player have for resolution?

I admittingly do not have a great understanding of all of the machinations involved in this process but it seems FUBAR to me ......

He is a graduate transfer from Holy Cross. Either his NIL deal is not being fulfilled, or this is a form of tampering with one report indicating another school has offered him more money. In either case, this guy looks like a quitter. College football needs to fix the transfer rules rather quickly as it is all becoming quite ridiculous.

Another line is crossed in the Wild West World that college football has become.

Either: (A) he's telling the truth and the school welched on his NIL deal, which honestly is a little hard to believe; or (B) he's crassly attempting to parlay wins over Kansas and Houston...and a perceived increase in market value as likely whispered in his ear by an agent...into a better deal at another school. As you say, rumors are flying that he has in fact been offered more money elsewhere. But rumors aren't facts.

If it's (A), then I'm not sure I'd call it quitting on his team. If it's (B), then alarm bells should be ringing all over the college football universe. The irony is that his passing stats at UNLV this year aren't even all that great.

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