Update on my mother-in-law's dishwasher strategies......Oh, yeah!!!


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2001
Heart of America, Archbold, OH
You recall she leaves food on the dishes to dry because the dirty dishes are cleaner when more food is left on the dishes. The dried food supposedly acts as an abrasive to help clean the other dishes. According to her, one should never rinse food off the plates prior to washing them in a dishwasher.

A new revelation was shared over the weekend while in Avon, OH (remember, I had my first Yuengling?). Seems she now squirts oil over the dishes that have been sitting with crusty leftover residue so the crusty leftover reside softens so that the plate becomes clean. Yep. I asked my wife if she heard that conversation and her :rolleyes: and heavy sigh indicated she did. Now, we are not sure if it is vegetable or olive oil. Heck, it might be 10W-30 for all we know.

To summarize: don't rinse food off the dishes because when it dries it acts as an abrasive to clean the other dishes. But, since not all the dishes were coming clean, apply some type of oil to loosen up the caked on crud so the dishes DO come clean.

Yep, can't make this up. I think I need another Yuengling.
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You recall she leaves food on the dishes to dry because the dirty dishes are cleaner when more food is left on the dishes. The dried food supposedly acts as an abrasive to help clean the other dishes. According to her, one should never rinse food off the plates prior to washing them in a dishwasher.

A new revelation was shared over the weekend while in Avon, OH (remember, I had my first Yuengling?). Seems she now squirts oil over the dishes that have been sitting with crusty leftover residue so the crusty leftover reside softens so that the plate becomes clean. Yep. I asked my wife if she heard that conversation and her :rolleyes: and heavy sigh indicated she did. Now, we are not sure if it is vegetable or olive oil. Heck, it might be 10W-30 for all we know.

To summarize: don't rinse food off the dishes because when it dries it acts as an abrasive to clean the other dishes. But, since not all the dishes were coming clean, apply some type of oil to loosen up the caked on crud so the dishes DO come clean.

Yep, can't make this up. I think I need another Yuengling.
Dude, like it or not, it is only a matter of time until you wife morphs into her mother. You are going to need a lot more Yuengling in your future.
RobBliz and Victor E. Bell, I have to disagree. My sister-in-law is a spitting image of my MIL. Both accountants - no offense to bean counters on the board. MIL worked for a government agency that has a lot of importance to tax payers in the middle of April.
FIL was a NASA engineer. He is who my wife takes after.

I once said, and was scorned, but it is dead nuts on, that 70% of women grow up to be just like their mothers. I am so glad that I found woman in that 30%tile. My wife sees how nucking futs my MIL is.
... after putting the oil on the dry, dirty dishes...

...sprinkle about a cup of sand on the dishes ... It will stick to the oil and provide more abrasive power than dirt alone...

... ...
androcles - that is funny. I will share that with her. :)
canuckhal - I have no problem with the dirt being left on, as others have linked articles. But, the new idea of putting oil on the crusted dirt? Geez louweeze.
OK, I have one for this thread. My wife hates when the tongs on our forks are bent. She insists that when they are put in the dishwasher forkside down, the water pressure from the bottom jets bend them. I told her she's nuts, but when I load the dishwasher I always put the forks in the basket forkside up.