UWW Junior FS World Team Trials


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2014
Some of this was mentioned in the Cassar thread, but I thought the team trials deserved its own thread. It is being held this weekend (5/20-5/22) in Irving, TX.

Registration closes 5/18 at 10pm. As a reminder, here are the championship matches from Junior FS Nationals last month (at the weights contested this weekend).

50 KG Spencer Lee (Young Guns) won by tech fall over Patrick McKee (Minnesota Storm) TF 10-0
55 KG Daton Fix (Team BIG) won by decision over Gavin Teasdale (Young Guns) Dec 6-5
60 KG Mitchell McKee (Minnesota Storm) won by fall over Seth Gross (Jackrabbit Wrestling Club) Fall 2:15
66 KG Alec Pantaleo (Michigan - RTC) won by decision over Matthew Kolodzik (Princeton AWS) Dec 5-1
74 KG Mark Hall (OTC) won by fall over Logan Massa (Michigan - RTC) Fall 1:39
84 KG Zahid Valencia (Arizona State Wrestling) won by decision over Myles Martin (Ohio Regional Training Center) Dec 7-0
96 KG Jacob Seely (Northern Colorado RTC) won by decision over Lance Benick (Arizona State Wrestling) Dec 9-2
120 KG Rylee Streifel (Minnesota Storm) won by decision over Patrick Grayson (NWTC) Dec 10-8

Entry list is still filling up, but current entry list includes the following PSU associated wrestlers:

60kg: Nick Lee
74kg: Jason Nolf, Vincenzo Joseph
84kg: Bo Nickal
96kg: Anthony Cassar
Mark Hall
Probably should have included his name, since it would be shocking if he did not participate. As of this morning, however, he is not yet registered, at least according to trackwrestling. Still two days to do so.
Are the winners listed in the OP in the draw w/everyone? Or do they sit/wait for the 2 outta 3?
I doubt Hall will be there since he is wrestling at Beat The Streets this week as well. BTS participants are allowed to postopone their best of 3 series with the challenge tournament winner to a later date.
I doubt Hall will be there since he is wrestling at Beat The Streets this week as well. BTS participants are allowed to postopone their best of 3 series with the challenge tournament winner to a later date.

Good point. Daton Fix has not registered as well so maybe he and Mark are opting to postpone the best of 3. Mitchell McKee and Zahid Valencia, however, are both registered, so maybe they will head to Texas after BTS on Thursday.
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I doubt Hall will be there since he is wrestling at Beat The Streets this week as well. BTS participants are allowed to postopone their best of 3 series with the challenge tournament winner to a later date.

The upside to postponing is that you don't have to make weight twice in such a short period of time. But if you postpone you lose the advantage of wrestling the best 2 of 3 series fresh against a guy who had to run a same-day gauntlet. I think I heard that they can opt to postpone right up until weigh in, but I'm not sure where I heard that so that might be wrong.
The upside to postponing is that you don't have to make weight twice in such a short period of time. But if you postpone you lose the advantage of wrestling the best 2 of 3 series fresh against a guy who had to run a same-day gauntlet. I think I heard that they can opt to postpone right up until weigh in, but I'm not sure where I heard that so that might be wrong.
They mentioned this on FRL.
Martin is not registered yet, for what it's worth. I wonder if he's seen enough of Valencia for the summer.
Martin does not want to see Bo trust me !!!! He knows deep down he scored off a Bo throw !!!! Never agan and he knows it !!!! BO WOULD LOVE TO WRESTLE MARTIN FIRST MATCH FOR THOSE WHO HAVE TALKED TO HIM....
Martin does not want to see Bo trust me !!!! He knows deep down he scored off a Bo throw !!!! Never agan and he knows it !!!! BO WOULD LOVE TO WRESTLE MARTIN FIRST MATCH FOR THOSE WHO HAVE TALKED TO HIM....

Martin had Bo locked up...Bo tried his underhook to low single and got thrown. Great timing by Myles Martin. 5:20 mark.

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AZchief--I'm not sure that the throw went down quite as you said, (Bo) "got thrown". Martin himself said afterwards that he was thrown to his back and was worried at first but just fought and rolled through it. Even though Martin had a body lock at the time, I think Bo initiated the throw, and Martin was worried at first, lying on his back. I REALIZE it's a MOOT POINT (I know you like caps!). Martin won the exchange and the match. But for accuracy's sake I think Bo was the initiator of the throw. Doesn't change the result of the match, though!
Score Bo 4 Martin 3, little less than 0530 into the video, if someone watched that video and came to the conclusion that move was Martin throwing Bo, that person knows little about wrestling. Oh hell, that's too generous. The person who concludes that is a Martin throw knows nothing about the sport.
That's a move initiated by Bo and if he posts the underhook Martin is stuck.
Martin had Bo locked up...Bo tried his underhook to low single and got thrown. Great timing by Myles Martin. 5:20 mark.

Bo will never ever lose to Marin again. For those who know the sport well. Martin got a lucky break by Bo trying to force the action. If he just stays back when he was up 4 to 2 and takes regular shots and defends the match is over...Bo will tell you this as well....
Martin had Bo locked up...Bo tried his underhook to low single and got thrown. Great timing by Myles Martin. 5:20 mark.

Thanks for that reminder Chief. While you're at it, could you put up the PSU vs Alabama sugar bowl in 1979, the Hindenberg going down, the Titanic, and the Edmund Fitzgerald too? One just isn't enough, lmao.
Thanks for that reminder Chief. While you're at it, could you put up the PSU vs Alabama sugar bowl in 1979, the Hindenberg going down, the Titanic, and the Edmund Fitzgerald too? One just isn't enough, lmao.

Haha...not rubbing dirt, just fixing a wrong. If Bo broke that body lock that Myles had on him, it's two for Bo and maybe some backs on the edge...9 of 10 times, that last minute throw doesn't work. See Jo Jo/Cenzo a few weeks ago. Seriously? Just turn around and take your two like a good boy and live to wrestle some more. Cenzo has cement bricks in his hips. Anyways, I digress.
Haha...not rubbing dirt, just fixing a wrong. If Bo broke that body lock that Myles had on him, it's two for Bo and maybe some backs on the edge...9 of 10 times, that last minute throw doesn't work. See Jo Jo/Cenzo a few weeks ago. Seriously? Just turn around and take your two like a good boy and live to wrestle some more. Cenzo has cement bricks in his hips. Anyways, I digress.
Indeed amigo. There are times to throw caution to the wind, and then there are times to....what was it Tim Johnson always says about Cowpoke wrestlers again???

Oh yes, "GET YOUR HAND RAISED", haha.
MM won....... And did nothing but hold on to Bo's body the whole time. Thanks for the video....I had forgotten how MM spent most of the match running away
It was awful. 3 stall calls and nearly 4 in less than 2 minutes and running the whole time. I don't care how big your lead is. He could have wrestled the final two minutes and still won the match. Embarrassing.
Wish people would get over this match.

Myles was better than Bo in that match. No other way about it. Not luck, saying crap like that is just irritating and wrong.
He was better for :30 sec and that is a hard pill to swallow.
Wish people would get over this match.

Myles was better than Bo in that match. No other way about it. Not luck, saying crap like that is just irritating and wrong.
Yes, sometimes great wrestlers have an off match and get beat by somebody you wouldn't expect. A good example would be Gable and Owings.
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Saturday brackets out, Flo preview including brackets here. Cassar has Chip Ness, an NCAA qualifier from NC (I think Morgan majored him earlier in the season), then the winner of Evan Hansen (Grand View) / Chase Singletary (Blair) to get to the finals.