This is making me very happy. We will see what KJ can do with it. Don't get too caught up in hawk revisionist history with the whole isu guys can't win thing. Keep in mind both Gable and Cael were Clones not hawks. I've been thinking about this whole developing talent thing and is pretty surprising. Individual National Champs under different coaches since KJ took over for Cael and the wheels fell off of the ISU program.
KJ- 4 (Varner, ZBriski,Reader,Kyven) Brands-5 (McBono,Ramos,Metcalf,JBo,St. John) Cael-7 (Nico,Frank,DT,ER,Zain,Brown,Q) Smith-5 (Scott,JO,Perry,Ringer,Heil,) Tan Tom - 4 (Nato,Streebler,Snyder,Martin). Koll-5 (Nashon, Dake,Dean,Bosak,Simaz )Somebody can check my accuracy as I'm still a little punch drunk watching this early morning freestyle. Just going off of an old man's memory. Cael stands alone it would seem and Smith, Brands, and Koll are all pretty equal in terms of winning that national title every wrestler dreams of. If your looking for team titles ISU doesn't seem like much of a destination, but neither does Iowa. Individual is pretty even if you pick anywhere but PSU. Point being an individual can be great anywhere.