VIDEO: While we're waiting... My favorite banquet video, the 2013 Banquet Video

Thanks for posting Amalone, I forgot how baby faced Conaway used to look. Love that come back take down for the win against Graff.
Great point, NittanyLion84. My favorite Penn State moment at a Rec Hall dual... by far. Brought the house down and Cael's and the coaches reaction... worth every dollar of the $7 ticket. ;) In actuality, the euphoric crowd reaction, Jordan's reaction, the coaches reaction... PRICELESS!!!

Love the Angels and AIrwaves... edited music. So suits Penn State's uptempo pace. Perfect video.

While I'm adding loves. Loved the way DT dominated a very "confident" Conrad Polz. Dude... came in confident and then barely could muster getting off the mat.... twice. LOVED IT!!!
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