Vote for Micha... I voted successfully 3 days in a row...


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2001
After I voted early this morning, this is the message that appeared:

Thank you for your vote. Remember, you can vote once a day for your favorite semi-finalist until March 15!
Bottom line: You can vote every day. Hopefully if there was a problem for other BWI members it has been fixed.

Vote for Micha...
It might be an every 24 hours thing

I couldn't do it yesterday until later in the day. Can't do it yet today but will keep trying.
Originally posted by Burb:

wont let me vote again !
I had the same problem. I went to cast my vote today and it said I had already voted. I don't know it picks up duplicates within a 24 hour period, but I solved the problem. I use Safari, so I went to private browsing and it took my vote.