was surprised to hear you guys re the different mat sizes


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2001
Buckhannon, WV
Guess I never really thought about it, and since I seldom see any matches live, had not noticed.
Thinking about it now, I am surprised there is not one standard size required for all NCAA matches.
32-42 feet...what size does Penn State use?
what size is used in the NCAA tourney?
It's crazy not to have standard, large mat size. My home mat is almost as big as OK St. mat.
Crazy? Depends on the goals. The smallest NCAA mat is 4-ft diameter bigger than the international mat. Not so crazy if you're trying to develop eventual Olympic and World champs.
Crazy? Depends on the goals. The smallest NCAA mat is 4-ft diameter bigger than the international mat. Not so crazy if you're trying to develop eventual Olympic and World champs.

It is if you aren't calling the push-out rule along with the smaller mat size. Comparing a small mat in Folk to a small mat in Free is apples-&-oranges imho.
everytime they considered and implemented weight changes, mat sizes should have changed. Going back as far as 98lb elimination. Way too many matches won/loss on the edge of small mats. I know, consideration for gym sizes, etc.