Well the Pens get beat up by the Flyers once again


Well-Known Member
Gold Member
Dec 14, 2002
Houston, TX
Wish I could say it's an April Fools joke, but it's simply the same old story. If ever there is just a bad matchup, or should I say a team with arguably less talent/skills that is seriously 'in' another teams head it's the Flyers against the Penguins for the past 5 seasons or more. It's almost comical how badly the Pens fold and cave against the Flyers, regardless of the venue, or time of the season, including the playoffs. I'm not claiming this is a great Penguin team, or a far superior Penguin team that has been the case for much of the last 5-7 years vs. the Fly-guys, but simply it's the same old story. Pens may go one and done in the playoffs this year anyway, but it would be a sure thing if they played the Flyers.

This post was edited on 4/1 11:02 PM by GulfCoastLion
I can't get excited about this Penguins team. I agree their playoff

run will likely be limited and I can live with that. It's baseball season .
Getting worked up over that game is pointless...

Last night's effort was fine until they started the parade to the box (mostly on absurdly weak calls both ways for a pro hockey game). Regardless, the PK was decent but when you have to spend 6 of 8 minutes killing in a tie or 1 goal game you're going to lose momentum. Philly capitalized and this Pens team is not built to play from behind too well.

Pens aren't going anywhere unless they get healthy, but they're 10-1-1 in their last 12 with both Sid and Geno in the lineup. We've had Pens teams dominate the regular season only to fall flat. I, for one, like the decreased expectations because we all know how this team has played with the weight of being a favorite. Granted, I'm not saying I'm optimistic this team is destined for great things, only that the past 5 post seasons have rendered the regular season rather meaningless and it's always going to be about what they do in April/May.

This post was edited on 4/2 8:08 AM by VaNtyLion
Re: Zing!!

At least you didn't say 1975.

Easy Magoo.

Ya know, I was just talking to my brother-in-law about that a couple of weeks ago. In some ways, because of all the promise, the Flyers are the most disappointing Philly franchise. They won the first two finals and since then have lost 6 straight - OUCH! Defeated by good teams, some great - 76 Canadiens, 80 Islanders, 85 Oilers, 87 Oilers, 97 Red Wings, 2010 Blackhawks. Nevertheless, 0 - 6?
This team is a complete dumpster fire. Would not be surprised if they tank the rest of the regular season and even miss the playoff. Probably would not be a bad thing, since it might insure some major shakeup in the off season. If they make the playoffs, they will be eliminated quickly. IMHO, time to implod this team and move one of Crosby or Malkin next year for some players and pssible draft picks. Either should not be untouchable as the franchise is not winning titles with both. Heck, the Blackhawks with Taves and Kane have won two cups, so have the Kings while the Penguins have been busy underachieving.
Over 40 yrs, Flyers have only missed playoffs 10 times....

That's pretty good performance by any standard. I think their biggest problem right now is the cap era and basically zero patience from Snyder. The turnover on that roster in the past few years has been pretty amazing so it's hard to build any continuity.

I admit I haven't really watched much of them this year but still think they have good pieces in place to build around and finally a goalie that can get the job done. However, they're not really constructed to play any particular style and don't have a ton of scoring depth either. I would not mortgage the future to try and catch lightning in a bottle for a short term run - that's never worked. The strength of the farm system is a rebuilt blueline and they need those guys to stay together. If they can go out and grab a better top 6 forward in free agency and bring those young D along, they'll be back but if they keep screwing with the makeup of the roster they'll keep chasing their tail. The East is too good right now to expect the Flyers are going to make a deep run. I think Hextall has the right plan but will Snyder allow him to continue executing it?

This post was edited on 4/2 8:47 AM by VaNtyLion
They've lost to some truly great teams.

Got hosed in 1980 of course. The Flyers don't place enough emphasis on defense and goaltending. IMO. It's always been a defense-first sport. Hell, that's how they won their two cups. Unless you have Gretzky or Lemieux.
Touche, but don't get too comfy....

The Flyers won't be down long. The remnants of the Holmgren reign coinciding with Berube at the helm has resulted in a disappointing season. Look for that to change when the Flyers axe Berube and Hextall rights the ship.
Re: Touche, but don't get too comfy....

Originally posted by Grant Green:
The Flyers won't be down long. The remnants of the Holmgren reign coinciding with Berube at the helm has resulted in a disappointing season. Look for that to change when the Flyers axe Berube and Hextall rights the ship.
Agree. A few trades of some overpaid Defenseman or Vinny, and the Flyers will have the flexibility to add a scoring Winger. Schenn and Couturier are looking more like 3rd line players only though. It could also be the Berube effect.
Re: Touche, but don't get too comfy....

Originally posted by TheGLOV:

^^Don't ya think that ANY Flyer Mgm't won't screw up any success they have down the road? Like they've done in the past??

Well, Hexy already traded Coburn, who was arguably the Flyers best defenseman other than Kimmo...who was also traded. Its a different era for the Flyers. They dont have the talent on the Blueline to compete and those trades show they see it. The next step is firing Berube-who unfortunately took a step back in performance coaching the team this year.
All of those teams they lost to were great not just good. Disappointing?

Those 5 teams might all be among the ten best hockey teams of all time. The Flyers were not the better team in any of those finals and that is why they lost. Eight Stanly cup appearances in 40 years for an average of every 5 years reaching the final. They always go for it.
Re: All of those teams they lost to were great not just good. Disappointing?

1980 was a tough one. The Flyers had a 35 game unbeaten streak that year and were at least co-favorites with the Islanders.