I attended a high school football game tonight. Before the game started, the announcer read a set of rules to the crowd. Most of those rules dealt with foul language, disrespectful language, poor sportsmanship, horseplay, etc. . The punishment for which, by the way, was removal from the stands.
The ridiculousness and violation of those rules started immediately, but not by the fans (for the most part). Instead, the announcer played two rap songs, loudly, absolutely filled with n-words, cussing, and violence. One song in particular was about nothing but shooting n-words in a club. That was far from the best part, though.
The best part was that about 5 minutes into the game, the announcer forgot his mic was live. He must have been arguing with another person in the booth and dropped the n-word no less than three times and the f-word once. It went on for a little while because nobody could get his attention to tell him his mic was hot.
The final disgrace involved the group of “youths” sitting near us. The language pouring out of the mouths was abhorrent. It wouldn’t have been as big of a problem if I didn’t have an 8-year old sitting next to me who didn’t need to hear that mess. Honestly, what is wrong with us a society? How far we have fallen.
The ridiculousness and violation of those rules started immediately, but not by the fans (for the most part). Instead, the announcer played two rap songs, loudly, absolutely filled with n-words, cussing, and violence. One song in particular was about nothing but shooting n-words in a club. That was far from the best part, though.
The best part was that about 5 minutes into the game, the announcer forgot his mic was live. He must have been arguing with another person in the booth and dropped the n-word no less than three times and the f-word once. It went on for a little while because nobody could get his attention to tell him his mic was hot.
The final disgrace involved the group of “youths” sitting near us. The language pouring out of the mouths was abhorrent. It wouldn’t have been as big of a problem if I didn’t have an 8-year old sitting next to me who didn’t need to hear that mess. Honestly, what is wrong with us a society? How far we have fallen.