What did Daiquan Kelly do to get booted off the team?


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2010
Regarding what Kelly did, I think I have a pretty good educated guess at this point, which I won't state, but does anyone know what he did? Thanks.
Nope, and my guess is you are not going to hear about it either. Kelly's twitter remark looked very "planted" and unauthenticate. Who gets dismissed from a team and writes I love the staff, the players, it really is a family!!!! I think Franklin smartly said "write something nice about us that puts us in the best possible light and in return, we will not leak any other information regarding your dismissal."
Nope, and my guess is you are not going to hear about it either. Kelly's twitter remark looked very "planted" and unauthenticate. Who gets dismissed from a team and writes I love the staff, the players, it really is a family!!!! I think Franklin smartly said "write something nice about us that puts us in the best possible light and in return, we will not leak any other information regarding your dismissal."
And we won't block your transfer.
I'm glad you didn't state your "educated guess". My concern is that others will not be so circumspect and that a failure to disclose the reason will lead to rampant speculation.
I just hope the kid gets his sh!t together and realize he might not get an opportunity like this again.
Omg....some of you guys are really dumb. If he didn't commit a crime and he hasn't had a class yet...what's left?
Nope, and my guess is you are not going to hear about it either. Kelly's twitter remark looked very "planted" and unauthenticate. Who gets dismissed from a team and writes I love the staff, the players, it really is a family!!!! I think Franklin smartly said "write something nice about us that puts us in the best possible light and in return, we will not leak any other information regarding your dismissal."

I think some of you have way too much time on your hands.
He really hasn't been in school long enough to have academic issues. If it was a criminal matter rising to the level of dismissal so fast, it would be in the police log or all over the news.

So, just an opinion, but all signs to me would point to some substance abuse/failed drug tests (and possible multiple violations of team rules like curfew, etc to the point the staff needed to make an example).
I think some of you have way too much time on your hands.

If you were so busy and had better things to do with your time, you wouldn't have even clicked on this thread, let alone posted in it.

And, no, climbing up on your pedestal (be careful), is not going to dictate our posting behavior.

Let's hope he is able to right his ship and not end up like that kid from Harrisburg. He must have really screwed up...
It's not important to me. It's his business and I'm sure he'll take care of the situation that caused him to be removed from the team.
I've only read that he was dismissed from the team. So to this point I assume that he is still in school. So I am guessing it was a serious team violation. So, we might see him back on the team sometime within the next 12 months.
Regarding what Kelly did, I think I have a pretty good educated guess at this point, which I won't state, but does anyone know what he did? Thanks.
Have no idea but he may have gotten off on the wrong foot with the staff by reporting at 194 lbs. No way you play LB in the B1G at anything close to that weight. So...ya have to believe he was given a weight gain regimen to follow the opinion of the coaches...didn't have the self-discipline to follow thru. Whether or not that's true, there obviously were other factors.
It was not clear if he was kicked off the team, and staying at psu with a chance to get back on the team. if he is leaving PSU totally, I thought the rule would be he has to sit out this year unless he goes to a FCS school. PSU staff has to approve his transfer, as I understand the ncaa rules
Nope, and my guess is you are not going to hear about it either. Kelly's twitter remark looked very "planted" and unauthenticate. Who gets dismissed from a team and writes I love the staff, the players, it really is a family!!!! I think Franklin smartly said "write something nice about us that puts us in the best possible light and in return, we will not leak any other information regarding your dismissal."

Please tell me this is a joke
Nope, and my guess is you are not going to hear about it either. Kelly's twitter remark looked very "planted" and unauthenticate. Who gets dismissed from a team and writes I love the staff, the players, it really is a family!!!! I think Franklin smartly said "write something nice about us that puts us in the best possible light and in return, we will not leak any other information regarding your dismissal."


And we won't block your transfer.

If he is being given a chance to return to the squad, then yes, we don't need to know. However, if he transfers to another school, then some sort of statement should be made. The program is supposed to be "transparent", and no longer under concealment. Can't have it both ways. If he's going to another school, then we need to know what happened. Hell, it's been 3 years and now Oakman is an All American and first round draft choice, and we STILL don't know exactly what he did to get kicked off the team.
If he is being given a chance to return to the squad, then yes, we don't need to know. However, if he transfers to another school, then some sort of statement should be made. The program is supposed to be "transparent", and no longer under concealment. Can't have it both ways. If he's going to another school, then we need to know what happened. Hell, it's been 3 years and now Oakman is an All American and first round draft choice, and we STILL don't know exactly what he did to get kicked off the team.
Hell, it's been 3 years and now Oakman is an All American and first round draft choice, and we STILL don't know exactly what he did to get kicked off the team.
??? I'm pretty sure I know, maybe not exactly because I wasn't there when he grabbed the woman.

I don't agree that "we need to know what happened" though. At least I don't need to know.
If he is being given a chance to return to the squad, then yes, we don't need to know. However, if he transfers to another school, then some sort of statement should be made. The program is supposed to be "transparent", and no longer under concealment. Can't have it both ways. If he's going to another school, then we need to know what happened. Hell, it's been 3 years and now Oakman is an All American and first round draft choice, and we STILL don't know exactly what he did to get kicked off the team.
I'll one up mn78

You are nuts if you think a coach needs to trash an 18 yr old in public for making a mistake...just to satisfy fans curiousity. If CJF told you I kicked player "X" off the team for failing multiple drug tests....what good would that serve?
Hell, it's been 3 years and now Oakman is an All American and first round draft choice, and we STILL don't know exactly what he did to get kicked off the team.
??? I'm pretty sure I know, maybe not exactly because I wasn't there when he grabbed the woman.

I don't agree that "we need to know what happened" though. At least I don't need to know.

Here's Oakmans side of the story...
If he is being given a chance to return to the squad, then yes, we don't need to know. However, if he transfers to another school, then some sort of statement should be made. The program is supposed to be "transparent", and no longer under concealment. Can't have it both ways. If he's going to another school, then we need to know what happened. Hell, it's been 3 years and now Oakman is an All American and first round draft choice, and we STILL don't know exactly what he did to get kicked off the team.

Come on Miles, everyone (including you) knows why Oakman got kicked off the team.
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