I'm just learning this morning that the Oscars were last night. I'm old enough to remember when that was a huge cultural moment and television event. Now: not so much.
Hollywood long ago became just another arm of the Regime. Airheaded twits with a much too high opinion of themselves virtue-signaling and lecturing inside their own echo chamber. They don't bother to hide the contempt they feel for the audience of average American viewers who pay the bills.
Of course, the fact that most of their product now is total shit doesn't help either.
I'm surprised they didn't invite Zelensky to the proceedings.
Hollywood long ago became just another arm of the Regime. Airheaded twits with a much too high opinion of themselves virtue-signaling and lecturing inside their own echo chamber. They don't bother to hide the contempt they feel for the audience of average American viewers who pay the bills.
Of course, the fact that most of their product now is total shit doesn't help either.
I'm surprised they didn't invite Zelensky to the proceedings.