But OSU just beat two teams with more money -- more money for recruits and players, and more money for facilities. Oregon outspends everybody -- but that doesn't guarantee anything.
ND is probably way down the NIL list, and they're playing for a title.
Coaching matters and player execution/talent matters.
When you're a multi-millionaire it really doesn't matter that the next person has twice as much as you do as in OSU and OR you can still buy the same things the other guy does.
ND has upped their NIL significantly there has been a change of mind at ND recently on how they are going to go about their business. But like PS they still have standards they will enforce.
There were imo coaching mistakes and player mistakes in the Orange Bowl, but those things happen in all games no games are mistake free.
You can't win big games without a complete offense and PS hasn't had that all year. You have to have Wide Receivers and PS has none that can play consistently at this level against good competition. The WO coaching and recruiting has been a hot mess for years. That has to change. The coaching must be better the recruiting must be better portal gets must be better and the NIL for that room has to be much better. Get those things fixed and its problem solved.
Three or Four catches by the WO's in that game and PS wins. But none? There's your problem.
I never at any time thought this edition of PS Football was national caliber and those who did were off the mark imo. But when we got past those first two games, I thought we had a shot, but it was not to be.
The program just isn't at that National level yet so I would suggest we all come back down to earth.
Where the program is concerned the sky isn't falling but has been steadily improving. Is that improvement at the pace we would all like? NO! But improving under James Franklin it is and he's doing it the right way. So, I suggest we don't throw the baby out with the wash at least at this time.
In fact, at this time there is no way PS could make a move on Franklin even if they wanted to and they don't. So, I suggest that if a segment of the board want him gone get together and raise the money to buy him out not that PS would accept the offer.