What possesses people to write garbage like this?

jim cummings

Well-Known Member
May 27, 2015

Crush the Paterno statue


By Eric Heyl
Sunday, July 12, 2015, 10:12 p.m.

What becomes of the statue?

I first posed that question in November when the Jerry Sandusky child molestation scandal first jolted the nation, the world of collegiate athletics and the Penn State University campus. What should be the fate of the 7-foot bronze likeness of former head football coach Joe Paterno that stands in the shadow of Beaver Stadium?

That query was answered once and for all on Thursday with the release of former FBI director Louis Freeh's 267-page missile fired directly at Paterno's legacy: Blow up the statue. Explode it, pulverize whatever fragments remain and then scatter the dust without ceremony in some fallow Happy Valley cornfield.

Paterno might have won a lot of football games and donated a lot of money to Penn State, but Freeh's revelations rendered him entirely unworthy of permanent tribute. It's ludicrous to continue to display a statue showing him raising an index finger in a victory celebration when his actions helped drag down the storied university to the most inglorious moments in its history.

No lasting honor should exist for someone who covered up a pedophile's predatory activities for more than a decade. Make no mistake, that's precisely what Paterno and the rest of the university's so-called “leadership” did.

As the Freeh report painfully points out, Paterno wasn't a peripheral character in the circumstances that allowed Sandusky to continue preying on boys long after he should have been stopped. He wasn't an out-of-touch old guy who didn't know how to respond when confronted with the sordid allegations regarding his former defensive coordinator.

He was, as Freeh put it at the news conference announcing his findings, “an integral part of an active effort to conceal.” That nine-word avalanche effectively buried any chance of Paterno posthumously rehabilitating his tarnished reputation.

Paterno clearly put the interests of the football program and the university's reputation over the welfare of defenseless children.

As far back as 1998, Paterno knew his chief lieutenant was being investigated for child abuse, yet he and other university officials continued to treat a suspected pervert like a prince. That Paterno allowed Sandusky continued access to university athletic facilities where some later assaults occurred isn't even the worst of Freeh's findings.

The worst appears to be this: Private emails and correspondence Freeh unearthed strongly suggest that Paterno successfully persuaded former university President Graham Spanier, former vice president of business and finance Gary Schultz and former athletic director Tim Curley not to report Sandusky to authorities in 2001.

Inexcusable? Absolutely.

Reprehensible? Without a doubt.

Paterno indisputably was an incredibly successful football coach. Until recently, many people probably continued to consider him an extraordinary man as well.

But Freeh's findings unequivocally prove that he was not. Paterno was the self-protecting potentate of a campus kingdom that intentionally and repeatedly turned a blind eye to the horrible actions of an extraordinary monster.

Now and forever, that is Paterno's legacy. Detonate the statue without delay.

Eric Heyl is a staff writer for Trib Total Media. He can be reached at or 412-320-7857.

Actually it reads like it was written 3 years ago, but the Trib for whatever reason felt the need to repost it last night with a new time stamp.
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Could be any number of reasons.

However, this being the Tribune-Review, "politics" is the answer that conforms with the Occam's Razor theory.

Here I fixed it, but after further review, it reads like it was written 3 years ago but for whatever reason the trib needed to repost with yesterday's date.

More less treats Louis' words like gospel and kinda funny that it comes after we bring Louis up again.
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It's an appeal to Pitt fans. It is an attempt to make Pitt fans to feel better about themselves by tearing down Penn State. Can't build up Pitt (no material) so he must tear down Penn State.
Papers are losing money and continuing to lose readers as they only lose subscribers and do not gain any in the younger generation. Hence they have gone to shock jock type writers to try and create controversy such that they think they gain readers. It is pretty pathetic.
It's Eric Heyl is probably the main reason, this more or less is the sort of stuff he writes all the time, the line of folks who would love to hit him with a brick forms over there
(points to the long line of folks)
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Crush the Paterno statue


By Eric Heyl
Sunday, July 12, 2015, 10:12 p.m.

What becomes of the statue?

I first posed that question in November when the Jerry Sandusky child molestation scandal first jolted the nation, the world of collegiate athletics and the Penn State University campus. What should be the fate of the 7-foot bronze likeness of former head football coach Joe Paterno that stands in the shadow of Beaver Stadium?

That query was answered once and for all on Thursday with the release of former FBI director Louis Freeh's 267-page missile fired directly at Paterno's legacy: Blow up the statue. Explode it, pulverize whatever fragments remain and then scatter the dust without ceremony in some fallow Happy Valley cornfield.

Paterno might have won a lot of football games and donated a lot of money to Penn State, but Freeh's revelations rendered him entirely unworthy of permanent tribute. It's ludicrous to continue to display a statue showing him raising an index finger in a victory celebration when his actions helped drag down the storied university to the most inglorious moments in its history.

No lasting honor should exist for someone who covered up a pedophile's predatory activities for more than a decade. Make no mistake, that's precisely what Paterno and the rest of the university's so-called “leadership” did.

As the Freeh report painfully points out, Paterno wasn't a peripheral character in the circumstances that allowed Sandusky to continue preying on boys long after he should have been stopped. He wasn't an out-of-touch old guy who didn't know how to respond when confronted with the sordid allegations regarding his former defensive coordinator.

He was, as Freeh put it at the news conference announcing his findings, “an integral part of an active effort to conceal.” That nine-word avalanche effectively buried any chance of Paterno posthumously rehabilitating his tarnished reputation.

Paterno clearly put the interests of the football program and the university's reputation over the welfare of defenseless children.

As far back as 1998, Paterno knew his chief lieutenant was being investigated for child abuse, yet he and other university officials continued to treat a suspected pervert like a prince. That Paterno allowed Sandusky continued access to university athletic facilities where some later assaults occurred isn't even the worst of Freeh's findings.

The worst appears to be this: Private emails and correspondence Freeh unearthed strongly suggest that Paterno successfully persuaded former university President Graham Spanier, former vice president of business and finance Gary Schultz and former athletic director Tim Curley not to report Sandusky to authorities in 2001.

Inexcusable? Absolutely.

Reprehensible? Without a doubt.

Paterno indisputably was an incredibly successful football coach. Until recently, many people probably continued to consider him an extraordinary man as well.

But Freeh's findings unequivocally prove that he was not. Paterno was the self-protecting potentate of a campus kingdom that intentionally and repeatedly turned a blind eye to the horrible actions of an extraordinary monster.

Now and forever, that is Paterno's legacy. Detonate the statue without delay.

Eric Heyl is a staff writer for Trib Total Media. He can be reached at or 412-320-7857.

Actually it reads like it was written 3 years ago, but the Trib for whatever reason felt the need to repost it last night with a new time stamp.

This is why the press is dying, IMHO. as time goes by, and information is so much more readily available, you start to see how the press has manipulated people for decades. The Vogle thing is another case in point (Subway spokesperson). Right now, he hasn't been charged with a thing and all reports are that he's been 100% cooperative. Now, anything can change, but if there was direct evidence, he'd be behind bars right now. Yet, his career has been ruined and nobody in the press could care less.

Honestly, I hope the major news print organizations go out of business...the sooner the better.
He is stupid and is trying to get a rise out of people (i.e., lots of comments beneath the column equals attention, which somehow makes him valuable to his bosses).

Content does not matter.
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Each time I discuss with someone the results of the Freeh Report, and they cite it as the end-all-be-all as to why their minds are made up as to Paterno being an enabler, one who covered up, etc...

I ask them if they did, indeed, read the entire report..or just the summary. Each and every time it's either the summary, or media reports that have convinced them of the above.

I then challenge them to read the ENTIRE report, and we'll discuss further. Some have, and others refused out of laziness.
Those went through it in its entirety, each and every time came back with the response "how did Freeh come up with that?"
Impossible to know since you are not that person or looking at things from his point of view. What possesses people to write that the world is flat, or some other such nonsense . . .
Each time I discuss with someone the results of the Freeh Report, and they cite it as the end-all-be-all as to why their minds are made up as to Paterno being an enabler, one who covered up, etc...

I ask them if they did, indeed, read the entire report..or just the summary. Each and every time it's either the summary, or media reports that have convinced them of the above.

I then challenge them to read the ENTIRE report, and we'll discuss further. Some have, and others refused out of laziness.
Those went through it in its entirety, each and every time came back with the response "how did Freeh come up with that?"

He lied.
Nobody reads the Trib, but Pitt fans will be happy. Good luck trying to educate him. He is a moron.
Crush the Paterno statue


By Eric Heyl
Sunday, July 12, 2015, 10:12 p.m.

What becomes of the statue?

I first posed that question in November when the Jerry Sandusky child molestation scandal first jolted the nation, the world of collegiate athletics and the Penn State University campus. What should be the fate of the 7-foot bronze likeness of former head football coach Joe Paterno that stands in the shadow of Beaver Stadium?

That query was answered once and for all on Thursday with the release of former FBI director Louis Freeh's 267-page missile fired directly at Paterno's legacy: Blow up the statue. Explode it, pulverize whatever fragments remain and then scatter the dust without ceremony in some fallow Happy Valley cornfield.

Paterno might have won a lot of football games and donated a lot of money to Penn State, but Freeh's revelations rendered him entirely unworthy of permanent tribute. It's ludicrous to continue to display a statue showing him raising an index finger in a victory celebration when his actions helped drag down the storied university to the most inglorious moments in its history.

No lasting honor should exist for someone who covered up a pedophile's predatory activities for more than a decade. Make no mistake, that's precisely what Paterno and the rest of the university's so-called “leadership” did.

As the Freeh report painfully points out, Paterno wasn't a peripheral character in the circumstances that allowed Sandusky to continue preying on boys long after he should have been stopped. He wasn't an out-of-touch old guy who didn't know how to respond when confronted with the sordid allegations regarding his former defensive coordinator.

He was, as Freeh put it at the news conference announcing his findings, “an integral part of an active effort to conceal.” That nine-word avalanche effectively buried any chance of Paterno posthumously rehabilitating his tarnished reputation.

Paterno clearly put the interests of the football program and the university's reputation over the welfare of defenseless children.

As far back as 1998, Paterno knew his chief lieutenant was being investigated for child abuse, yet he and other university officials continued to treat a suspected pervert like a prince. That Paterno allowed Sandusky continued access to university athletic facilities where some later assaults occurred isn't even the worst of Freeh's findings.

The worst appears to be this: Private emails and correspondence Freeh unearthed strongly suggest that Paterno successfully persuaded former university President Graham Spanier, former vice president of business and finance Gary Schultz and former athletic director Tim Curley not to report Sandusky to authorities in 2001.

Inexcusable? Absolutely.

Reprehensible? Without a doubt.

Paterno indisputably was an incredibly successful football coach. Until recently, many people probably continued to consider him an extraordinary man as well.

But Freeh's findings unequivocally prove that he was not. Paterno was the self-protecting potentate of a campus kingdom that intentionally and repeatedly turned a blind eye to the horrible actions of an extraordinary monster.

Now and forever, that is Paterno's legacy. Detonate the statue without delay.

Eric Heyl is a staff writer for Trib Total Media. He can be reached at or 412-320-7857.

Actually it reads like it was written 3 years ago, but the Trib for whatever reason felt the need to repost it last night with a new time stamp.

Jim, maybe this letter written by Wendy to the centredaily will lighten your anguish a bit. ;)
also a lot of comments to the letter

Board of Trustees should make amends

Nothing like stomping on the gas, spinning the tires of misinformation, scattering lies like gravel and mowing down the truth in a proclaimed effort to “move on,” while hoping to see your destructive actions fade into the rearview mirror.

John Surma started the ignition with personal actions that sparked a conflagration in the national media and quite possibly is the trustee most responsible for Penn State spending hundreds of millions of dollars on failed PR, legal fees and unending court battles.

I wonder if riding shotgun with Tom Corbett was worth it?

Ken Frazier insisted a grand jury presentment was not be taken too seriously, yet carefully cradled, placed and buckled in Louis Freeh’s version of events next to him, and then got in behind the wheel.

Rodney Erickson claimed the Paterno statue would drag on as “a recurring wound” when really it was Paul Suhey from the back seat demanding he jettison the weight in a crummy drag race with the NCAA for better “optics.”

Karen Peetz spoke of throwing the top down to sunshine and listening tours on the alumni highway, yet read from a prepared script behind tinted windows, hunkered down in the foot well.

In their active efforts to conceal their felonious driving habits, these adults have ditched that sedan and fled from the wreckage on foot.

It’s time they return and make amends for the damage they’ve done. Issue a public apology to the Paterno family, the lettermen and the three principals on whose reputations they’ve left deep tread marks.

Wendy Silverwood

West Chester[/QUOTE]
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Each time I discuss with someone the results of the Freeh Report, and they cite it as the end-all-be-all as to why their minds are made up as to Paterno being an enabler, one who covered up, etc...

I ask them if they did, indeed, read the entire report..or just the summary. Each and every time it's either the summary, or media reports that have convinced them of the above.

I then challenge them to read the ENTIRE report, and we'll discuss further. Some have, and others refused out of laziness.
Those went through it in its entirety, each and every time came back with the response "how did Freeh come up with that?"

Another good thing to remind people of re: freeh's b.s. report is that he didn't even have subpoena power and didn't talk to ANY of the key players except for Spanier (after the report was pretty much already written). I then ask people, with that in mind would you agree with the billing of freeh's report being complete and comprehensive? They almost always say no, it's not possible without him talking to any of the key players.

Most people are completely unaware of this and it puts into perspective just how speculative freeh's "comprehensive" report really is.
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There is truth, there is slander, and there is what the media writes.

And, as we will eventually find out, there is truth, there is slander, and there is a legal strategy.

A good movie is "Absence of Malice" with Sally Field and Paul Newman. The upshot of it is that a paper says that Newman is in the mafia (planted by a prosecutor). It ruins a big part of his life and career. Field, upon further review, finds that it isn't true. When he goes to sue, he finds that he needs to prove a malice intent which is next to impossible.
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I guess the whole point is what on earth possessed the trib to randomly pull this out of their ass and republish a 3 year old story?

Someone is pulling the strings trying to keep this out there to keep the lid on something else Or it's an attempt to get out in front of somethig that's coming down the pike.
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Each time I discuss with someone the results of the Freeh Report, and they cite it as the end-all-be-all as to why their minds are made up as to Paterno being an enabler, one who covered up, etc...

I ask them if they did, indeed, read the entire report..or just the summary. Each and every time it's either the summary, or media reports that have convinced them of the above.

I then challenge them to read the ENTIRE report, and we'll discuss further. Some have, and others refused out of laziness.
Those went through it in its entirety, each and every time came back with the response "how did Freeh come up with that?"

And you've got more than six million responses to that question!
I guess the whole point is what on earth possessed the trib to randomly pull this out of their ass and republish a 3 year old story?

Someone is pulling the strings trying to keep this out there to keep the lid on something else Or it's an attempt to get out in front of somethig that's coming down the pike.

That is the question. Why it was originally written is somewhat obvious. Why did somebody at the Trib feel the need to put it back out there is beyond me but obviously has something to do with a hatred for both Paterno and PSU. One would think an Editor of the Trib would have had the common sense to remove it before it went to print, but shows you how far editors have fallen along with the media.
I guess the whole point is what on earth possessed the trib to randomly pull this out of their ass and republish a 3 year old story?

This ^^^^ is what I am wondering. The article was of dubious (to be charitable) journalistic quality when it was written, but now that the Freeh Report has been repudiated, the Trib showed remarkably poor judgment in republishing an article that cites the Freeh Report as if it were Gospel. This had to be inadvertent. Hard to believe anyone could be that stupid.
Joe's honesty and truthfulness has driven all haters and liars wacky.
Help me out here. This article was written three years ago unless I am mistaken. I don't see anywhere where it was reposted.
Someone changed it back to its original date even though if you search their website for "crush paterno" it has yesterday's date embedded in the link. Original author claims he had no knowledge of the republish.

Guess it's nice that when someone bitches enough things happen, but for people who call most of us conspiracy theorists, I'd say there's enough going on out there where it's more than accidental.
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This is the Trib response in the comments section.... "No agenda, everyone. This is Eric's column from three years ago on this date. Due to an internal error, this column was inadvertently republished, along with the column he wrote on the GOP presidential candidate field that appeared in today's newspaper and online here. (We can't post the link in this space, as comments with URLs get screened and blocked.) We've fixed the timestamp on this column to show the correct, initial date of publication. Our apologies for the confusion."
I will add that I subscribe to both the Trib and P/G for business reasons. I have been thinking about cancelling the Trib for some time. Tomorrow morning I will do it and use the Heyl column as the reason.
FOLLOW UP: I did call the Trib this morning and cancelled my subscription. They asked me why and I told them it was due to the Eric Heyl column, explaining in detail the issues I had with it.
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Another 'main street media' mess attempting to make 'sh*t' up as it goes along! They got caught and embarrassed again and are trying to cover up for their lies! MSM at its finest in this country!
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Not for noth'in but he is simply writing the False Narrative given to him by the corrupt, self-serving scum of the Executive Committee of PSU's Board of Thieves, Liars, Charlatans and Whores. What would possess the Borard of Thieves, Liars, Charlatans and Whores to lie, libel and slander an institution they owe Fiduciary Obligation to under Pennsylvania Trust Law??? Self-interest, zero-integrity, zero-principles and lots of $$$ and power to briber their corrupt little soulless selves with, that's what.
Pitt fan here and Pittsburgh resident. Eric Heyl is a dick. His byline photo tells you everything you need to know about this guy. He takes every opportunity to attack every public figure from his pedestal of purity. He could care less about facts and simply expresses his self righteous BS. He reminds me of Teddy Roosevelt's favorite poem, the man in the arena (he is definitely the critic who never exposed himself to the fight and blood shed in the 'arena"). He is classic reporter who is pissed that his industry is failing and his dream of being Woodruff or Bernstein is fading.
otherwise, "Let's Go Pitt!" Carry on!
Pitt fan here and Pittsburgh resident. Eric Heyl is a dick. His byline photo tells you everything you need to know about this guy. He takes every opportunity to attack every public figure from his pedestal of purity. He could care less about facts and simply expresses his self righteous BS. He reminds me of Teddy Roosevelt's favorite poem, the man in the arena (he is definitely the critic who never exposed himself to the fight and blood shed in the 'arena"). He is classic reporter who is pissed that his industry is failing and his dream of being Woodruff or Bernstein is fading.
otherwise, "Let's Go Pitt!" Carry on!
Every now and then a Pitt fan comes to this Board and acts responsibly. You are such a Pitt fan and I salute you.

Crush the Paterno statue


By Eric Heyl
Sunday, July 12, 2015, 10:12 p.m.

What becomes of the statue?

I first posed that question in November when the Jerry Sandusky child molestation scandal first jolted the nation, the world of collegiate athletics and the Penn State University campus. What should be the fate of the 7-foot bronze likeness of former head football coach Joe Paterno that stands in the shadow of Beaver Stadium?

That query was answered once and for all on Thursday with the release of former FBI director Louis Freeh's 267-page missile fired directly at Paterno's legacy: Blow up the statue. Explode it, pulverize whatever fragments remain and then scatter the dust without ceremony in some fallow Happy Valley cornfield.

Paterno might have won a lot of football games and donated a lot of money to Penn State, but Freeh's revelations rendered him entirely unworthy of permanent tribute. It's ludicrous to continue to display a statue showing him raising an index finger in a victory celebration when his actions helped drag down the storied university to the most inglorious moments in its history.

No lasting honor should exist for someone who covered up a pedophile's predatory activities for more than a decade. Make no mistake, that's precisely what Paterno and the rest of the university's so-called “leadership” did.

As the Freeh report painfully points out, Paterno wasn't a peripheral character in the circumstances that allowed Sandusky to continue preying on boys long after he should have been stopped. He wasn't an out-of-touch old guy who didn't know how to respond when confronted with the sordid allegations regarding his former defensive coordinator.

He was, as Freeh put it at the news conference announcing his findings, “an integral part of an active effort to conceal.” That nine-word avalanche effectively buried any chance of Paterno posthumously rehabilitating his tarnished reputation.

Paterno clearly put the interests of the football program and the university's reputation over the welfare of defenseless children.

As far back as 1998, Paterno knew his chief lieutenant was being investigated for child abuse, yet he and other university officials continued to treat a suspected pervert like a prince. That Paterno allowed Sandusky continued access to university athletic facilities where some later assaults occurred isn't even the worst of Freeh's findings.

The worst appears to be this: Private emails and correspondence Freeh unearthed strongly suggest that Paterno successfully persuaded former university President Graham Spanier, former vice president of business and finance Gary Schultz and former athletic director Tim Curley not to report Sandusky to authorities in 2001.

Inexcusable? Absolutely.

Reprehensible? Without a doubt.

Paterno indisputably was an incredibly successful football coach. Until recently, many people probably continued to consider him an extraordinary man as well.

But Freeh's findings unequivocally prove that he was not. Paterno was the self-protecting potentate of a campus kingdom that intentionally and repeatedly turned a blind eye to the horrible actions of an extraordinary monster.

Now and forever, that is Paterno's legacy. Detonate the statue without delay.

Eric Heyl is a staff writer for Trib Total Media. He can be reached at or 412-320-7857.

Actually it reads like it was written 3 years ago, but the Trib for whatever reason felt the need to repost it last night with a new time stamp.
Here I was expecting a post from that flemmy guy
Pitt fan here and Pittsburgh resident. Eric Heyl is a dick. His byline photo tells you everything you need to know about this guy. He takes every opportunity to attack every public figure from his pedestal of purity. He could care less about facts and simply expresses his self righteous BS. He reminds me of Teddy Roosevelt's favorite poem, the man in the arena (he is definitely the critic who never exposed himself to the fight and blood shed in the 'arena"). He is classic reporter who is pissed that his industry is failing and his dream of being Woodruff or Bernstein is fading.
otherwise, "Let's Go Pitt!" Carry on!

You mean "Woodward" and Bernstein? Yeah. Gotcha.
I wouldn't mind seeing the statue get crushed, if they build a new one. A bigger one. One of Joe, 60 feet tall, squatting over and taking a dump on the BoT, who are frantically trying to get away.
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