to increase it without delay? Might as well do away with the limit all together if the argument is always that Congress MUST authorize the increase if we are to avoid disaster. Unless our legislators are willing to use the debt limit to push modifications to spending, then it is of no use. Just do away with it and stop this senseless arguing over it when the result is that the debt limit gets increased with no, or little or non-consequential, stipulations. It is like most legislation that is pushed through Congress these days. Meaningless.
Personally I think Congress SHOULD use it to make substantive limits on our spending. But it never happens and turns into nothing more than posturing by both sides to somehow rile up their bases with no resulting change.
Personally I think Congress SHOULD use it to make substantive limits on our spending. But it never happens and turns into nothing more than posturing by both sides to somehow rile up their bases with no resulting change.