who is less interested in "March Madness" since 2011?

I will not watch at single game. College basketball, like football, is a

cesspool of corruption. I really don't give a damn who wins, although I would be happiest if all the Big Ten teams lost in the 1st round. You can spare me the "Big Ten teams winning helps Penn State" b/s. I don't buy it. I never have. What will help Penn State is getting better players. Anyway, I don't cast aspersions on those who love to watch. To each his own.
Always has been this way.......

...we only now realize it. And, its getting worse, not better.
Can watch highlights or last 2 minutes of any game to see if it's exciting

No other reason to watch the games. Nothing good happens in the first 38 that you can't see in a highlight.
Re: Always has been this way.......

Originally posted by Michael.Felli:
...we only now realize it. And, its getting worse, not better.
Maybe you're right. Perhaps with Joe around we were above it all and I thought others were like us...maybe not as pure, but certainly not corrupt. Now, I think it's clear if you don't cheat, you don't win. There may be an exception or two, but not many. I would like to think we're still pretty honest, but I can't say we are absolutely clean.

This post was edited on 3/15 7:31 PM by fairgambit
Re: Always has been this way.......

I refuse to watch Kentucky...what an absolute effing joke. By rule, all the "one-and-dones" are required by the bull-shit NCAA to register for 12 credits in the fall semester and to get at least a 2.0 gpa. Then, for the spring semester they are required to register for 12 credits...that's it...register...they do not have to attend class! They are put up in luxury apartments, sleep in till noon, go to lunch, practice, dinner....that is it. Some ball player from Northern Iowa is sprinting across campus in the dead of winter to get to class....and he and some primma donna from UK are playing for the same trophy....Emmert will present a trophy saying they are the best "college" team in America and they don't even go to college...its an affront to everything I believe in...what I really like is the 4 white kids at the end of the bench...whose sole job is to go to class and keep the team GPA high enough that the NCAA doesn't step in a shut the program down...and they have the best scumbag in America to lead them....Calipari is the ultimate cheat...he makes Boeheim look like Mother Teresa....
I like March Madness mostly because I can fill out a bracket put some...

money in a pool and try to win some cash. It's fun. Sure Kentucky has a bunch of one and done non-students. I've accepted it. That's how the world is. I still like to fill out a bracket and try to win.
Don't watch, don't care, and haven't for years.

It's a fraud and epitomizes everything wrong with college athletics. The one and done is a bigger slap in the face than skipping college altogether. But, I don't have the time or energy to get worked up about whether or not others watch. Whatever blows your hair back.
Actually, I'd say that I'm equally disinterested, because you just can't gel less interested than zero, zilch and nada, Although if there could be a less-than-none category, that would apply to the NBA.
Re: Can watch highlights or last 2 minutes of any game to see if it's exciting

Originally posted by dwiz:
No other reason to watch the games. Nothing good happens in the first 38 that you can't see in a highlight.
All basketball games are boring. Because it's either a blowout, or close and you get that excruciating last 2 minutes of desperation where one team keeps fouling the other team. I've said for years, the only way to fix basketball is to play to a score... 100 in the NBA, 50-60 in college.
Just can't get into college sports like I used to. Part of it is 2011 for sure, maybe getting older, which gives one a sense of perspective. It all seems so trivial now. Funny thing is, I don't even care to recapture the zeal either.

Interesting thread, Sarge
What was wrong with 2011 in particular. Wasn't that Kemba's Jr year when he went insane in the post-season?
What was wrong with 2011 in particular.

I think the OP may have been referring to the GJP, firing of Joe, etc.
I REALLY hope Kentucky wins AND continues to win EVERY year with the "one and done" kids. What a joke. "College" athletics ?????? That is why I believe we should PAY these kids, they should not have to go to class at all if they do not want to. They ARE employees !!!