Who was a PSU Wannabe

Kinda long story, but didn't apply because they didn't recruit me. ;) A local state college (Millersville) really wanted me for football. They screened a bunch of our team at my HS and asked us for our SAT scores - math first, then verbal. First guy says 730. Coach of Millersville says "No. Just the math score first". First guy says 340 and 390. Second guy says 680. Coach replies the same. Same basic result. Second guy was giving a total score also. Third guy says 750. Coach has same reply. Same basic reply. Coach gets to me. I say 710. Coach says "No. Just the math score first". I say "710 - that's my math score". Coach says "Get out of here. You're not going to my school.". freshman year(1949) was different because no male students were admitted to main campus - due to the influx of veterans from WW II ...
...we were sent to one of the many(6-8) state teachers colleges in PA depending on your major ... I was a metallurgy major and was sent to Edinboro... unfortunately that was too early to have had Sharon Stone as a classmate ...
...there were probably 200-300 PSU students at Edinboro and there was no problem at all...
...I swam on the ESTC swim team - expecting to perhaps try out at Penn State later but the PSU varsity team was dropped in the early 50s so that wasn't an option...oh, well ... freshman year(1949) was different because no male students were admitted to main campus - due to the influx of veterans from WW II ...
...we were sent to one of the many(6-8) state teachers colleges in PA depending on your major ... I was a metallurgy major and was sent to Edinboro... unfortunately that was too early to have had Sharon Stone as a classmate ...
...there were probably 200-300 PSU students at Edinboro and there was no problem at all...
...I swam on the ESTC swim team - expecting to perhaps try out at Penn State later but the PSU varsity team was dropped in the early 50s so that wasn't an option...oh, well ...
Metallurgy 1969
PSU undergrad here. Side note: Pitt is the only school I turned down 3x. UVA and Illinois 2x for grad school. tOSU, PSU, Iowa 1x for grad. GaTech, MIT, Lehigh 1x for undergrad. Western Ontario was the only rejection I got (was for grad school), but they weren’t clear that they wanted an MA to apply for PhD, unlike US schools.

Life may have been different if I’d chosen a different undergrad school, but we were soooo uninformed how aid packages were doled out so we never really gave those great undergrad schools a chance to produce a number before I picked Dear Old State.

If my son these days had similar interests as I did I’d nudge him to Purdue.
W.A.C.C or Wmspt Area Comm College. Saying was if you can't H.A.C.C. it W.A.C.C it. Graduated in 82 with a certificate in Electrical Construction. A few years after I graduated PSU took ownership and Penn College of Technology was born. That's as close as I got to PSU.
PSU undergrad here. Side note: Pitt is the only school I turned down 3x. UVA and Illinois 2x for grad school. tOSU, PSU, Iowa 1x for grad. GaTech, MIT, Lehigh 1x for undergrad. Western Ontario was the only rejection I got (was for grad school), but they weren’t clear that they wanted an MA to apply for PhD, unlike US schools.

Life may have been different if I’d chosen a different undergrad school, but we were soooo uninformed how aid packages were doled out so we never really gave those great undergrad schools a chance to produce a number before I picked Dear Old State.

If my son these days had similar interests as I did I’d nudge him to Purdue.
IU grad here who was taught to despise Purdue at an early age. Boy, was I an idiot. Purdue is a phenomenal school. My son is a Physics and Math major at Purdue. It is one of the top science schools in the country.
Applied to PSU, Wisconsin, Texas, Drake, Iowa and Illinois. Got into all of them, went to Illinois because it was the cheapest (in state). Graduated in 2007. A decade later went to Virginia Tech for grad school.
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My kids went to Villa Maria Academy in Erie and went to Penn State because they were attracted by the large student numbers and size of the campus!
For the past couple years, it's been interesting watching my girlfriends kids decide on a college and the reasons they like one over the other. Two of them are now at IUP, one because it's close to home for her and the other because like me, his grades gave him less options. Lol. The last one is a Senior and now starting to get the letters in the mail. She's really smart and crazy the kind of money these schools are offering her to attend their school. She's only waiting to hear from Penn State but I doubt she will go there anyway. Looks like it's gonna be Pitt because they have a great dental school and since she was little She's always wanted to be an orthodontist. Our concern is she will go to IUP because her brother and sister are there as well as her being scared to to the city for school. I hope she goes for it and just follows her dream.
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I get asked to go into the local HS and talk about my career. (Civil Engineering 96, Structural MS 2001 from Utah State) Nearly every time someone asks what is the best school to attend. I tell them the one that gives you the most money to attend or charges you the least. I get some strange looks. Bottom line. No one has asked where my degrees are from. All they care about is can I do the job. My kids have various degrees. An associates from a cheap community college then transfer in to whatever your final destination is a cost effective method. I see young graduates with 100k plus in debt and don't have a marketable skill. My kids got told to "find themselves" before they waste money at college. Once they decided to go to school study hard, get in and get out.
It seemed like my entire HS went to PSU every year and then stayed close knit. It seemed both too big (campus/classes) and small (most of friends in the same fraternities). I ended up wrestling at a smaller D1 school in PA, but got together with a PSU girl and spent every free hour there anyway. That ended my wrestling career, but I found rugby which was a little more understanding.

P.S., the girl and I broke up, but she's now the mom of a D1-level recruit in HS.
For the past couple years, it's been interesting watching my girlfriends kids decide on a college and the reasons they like one over the other. Two of them are now at IUP, one because it's close to home for her and the other because like me, his grades gave him less options. Lol. The last one is a Senior and now starting to get the letters in the mail. She's really smart and crazy the kind of money these schools are offering her to attend their school. She's only waiting to hear from Penn State but I doubt she will go there anyway. Looks like it's gonna be Pitt because they have a great dental school and since she was little She's always wanted to be an orthodontist. Our concern is she will go to IUP because her brother and sister are there as well as her being scared to to the city for school. I hope she goes for it and just follows her dream.
Concerns about city school and proximity to home and family? UPJ! Close to home, great school and same path into Pitt's dental school. 4 years from now those city school and family proximity things become smaller concerns.
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Concerns about city school and proximity to home and family? UPJ! Close to home, great school and same path into Pitt's dental school. 4 years from now those city school and family proximity things become smaller concerns.
I believe this is a path she is considering. My best friend from high school is the Director of Enrollment there and has invited her to visit and sit with him to talk about best path for her to take. It will be a great help. She will eventually need to go to main campus but this option will help her to adjust to being away from home. She’s a great kid, hope the best for her. I’ve even offered that if she does decide on Pitt, I’ll drive her mom down every weekend to visit until she doesn’t want mom around anymore. Lol
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I believe this is a path she is considering. My best friend from high school is the Director of Enrollment there and has invited her to visit and sit with him to talk about best path for her to take. It will be a great help. She will eventually need to go to main campus but this option will help her to adjust to being away from home. She’s a great kid, hope the best for her. I’ve even offered that if she does decide on Pitt, I’ll drive her mom down every weekend to visit until she doesn’t want mom around anymore. Lol
I am taking grandson to Annapolis for a tour of the Academy. I am not sure why but the idea of him graduating from Annapolis always waters my eyes. It has to be allergies.
For the past couple years, it's been interesting watching my girlfriends kids decide on a college and the reasons they like one over the other. Two of them are now at IUP, one because it's close to home for her and the other because like me, his grades gave him less options. Lol. The last one is a Senior and now starting to get the letters in the mail. She's really smart and crazy the kind of money these schools are offering her to attend their school. She's only waiting to hear from Penn State but I doubt she will go there anyway. Looks like it's gonna be Pitt because they have a great dental school and since she was little She's always wanted to be an orthodontist. Our concern is she will go to IUP because her brother and sister are there as well as her being scared to to the city for school. I hope she goes for it and just follows her dream.
They have some pretty cool offerings from Gannon University and LECOM. They have a 3-4 program where you go three years at Gannon and get your B.S. after your first year at LECOM. So you save one year of tuition. Plus Gannon gives away $ like candy.
They also have a deal with LECOM Dental School where you can be conditionally accepted into Dental School as a high school senior.
Of course my daughter paid full boat at PSU and full boat medical school on a Bordeaux Scholarship.
They have some pretty cool offerings from Gannon University and LECOM. They have a 3-4 program where you go three years at Gannon and get your B.S. after your first year at LECOM. So you save one year of tuition. Plus Gannon gives away $ like candy.
They also have a deal with LECOM Dental School where you can be conditionally accepted into Dental School as a high school senior.
Of course my daughter paid full boat at PSU and full boat medical school on a Bordeaux Scholarship.
Jeesh… This board dishes out more info than her school guidance counselor does. I’m gonna mention this to her tonight.