WHOA! I'm stunned! I just got a check from Wells Fargo for OVER $4000 from their remediation department; including a detailed letter as to why!

You should donate that to the Human Fund for Festivus. Money for People.

Anybody else get one from them for/due to some kind of miss-deed on their part/legal settlement?

Merry Christmas to me!


It looks legit.

Cashiers check.

Has legit 800# to call if any questions.

Advises 1099(s) possibly.

Did you drink the Miracle Spring Water?
  • Haha
Reactions: TheGLOV
Anybody else get one from them for/due to some kind of miss-deed on their part/legal settlement?

Merry Christmas to me!


It looks legit.

Cashiers check.

Has legit 800# to call if any questions.

Advises 1099(s) possibly.

Seriously? How long have you had an account with them, and have you ever had a mortgage with them?

I’ll definitely be watching my mail with visions of remediation payments dancing in my head!
The single most incompetent organization God ever permitted on this planet.
They are the worst. I was a Barnett customer (FL bank) and they obviously got bought out by BOA. At first it wasn't so bad, but now it's warp speed horrible. They piss away billions and charge me fees to cover it.
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They are the worst. I was a Barnett customer (FL bank) and they obviously got bought out by BOA. At first it wasn't so bad, but now it's warp speed horrible. They piss away billions and charge me fees to cover it.

You just have to bite the bullet and change banks. It's a pain in the a$$ to change all the linked auto deposits but surely there are banks you can easily deal with that don't hose you on fees and poor service.

Out of college, long ago in a far away place, I started with PNC. But I'd only balance my checkbook at tax time and always find fees. I'd call and most of the time they would refund them, but the hassle of dealing with them was not worth it. I switched to a small bank in Bridgeville that at that time had better money market rates and free checking and we have been with them for 35+ years, even though they were bought out by First Commonwealth a while back. First Commonwealth is not a bed or roses, but I've evolved into more transfers back and forth from Vanguard and Fidelity to accomplish cash management, and still get free checking from FC due to the monthly auto deposits we have. Also have a safe deposit box that is convenient. And I still like to go into the lobby (need appt to do that lately with Covid) to get large amount of cash for my Craig's list car purchasing and selling hobby....

Just gotta move on from large incompetent expensive banks......
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Now you can buy those ND to kets you hVe always longed to buy. Congrats!
Anybody else get one from them for/due to some kind of miss-deed on their part/legal settlement?

Merry Christmas to me!


It looks legit.

Cashiers check.

Has legit 800# to call if any questions.

Advises 1099(s) possibly.

Now you can buy those ND football games you have longed for all these decades. Congrats!
Not W-F, but earlier this year The State of Illinois passed along about $6,500 from an employer that I had not worked for since 1973-1987.

Never got any explanation as to specifically where it came from and I still have no clue. But I did deposit the check!
  • Like
Reactions: brupsu and TheGLOV
Anybody else get one from them for/due to some kind of miss-deed on their part/legal settlement?

Merry Christmas to me!


It looks legit.

Cashiers check.

Has legit 800# to call if any questions.

Advises 1099(s) possibly.
I got one for $450 although we don't use WF as our primary bank. I called and they said it was from a 2012-2013 issue. i forget what it was but it was legit. Merry Christmas GLOV, you must not have as naughty as you usually are.
  • Haha
Reactions: TheGLOV
Anybody else get one from them for/due to some kind of miss-deed on their part/legal settlement?

Merry Christmas to me!


It looks legit.

Cashiers check.

Has legit 800# to call if any questions.

Advises 1099(s) possibly.
WF has been a disaster. It started when a ponzi scheme was uncovered. Branch people were getting bonuses by selling accounts. So the people just started opening accounts without people knowing it. many were no fee, lost leader, accounts so nobody ever knew. The employees just took the bonuses. Then the systemic nature of it was uncovered and all hell broke loose. Millions of accounts were opened.

This prompted an audit. They then found millions of monthly fees that were hidden, like insurance that just was embedded in other fees. The feds filed suit and you are probably getting your share of a class action suit that was brought years ago.
Wells Fargo's operating losses jumped by $755 million during the second quarter because of "increased customer remediation accruals for a variety of matters and higher litigation accruals."​
In other words, the bank is still paying the price for its history of scandals in the form of customer refunds and legal settlements.​
It's not entirely clear which of Wells Fargo's many controversies these costs relate to.​
Wells Fargo admitted its workers opened millions of fake bank and credit card accounts to meet wildly unrealistic sales goals. The bank has also said it forced thousands of borrowers to pay for auto insurance they didn't need. Some of them even had their vehicles wrongfully repossessed. And it imposed unwarranted fees on potential homebuyers to lock in mortgage rates.​
On top of that, Wells Fargo has been accused of mistreating workers by retaliating against whistleblowers and forcing employees to work overtime without extra pay.

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More to tell:

So, I take the CASHIERS CHECK to B of A and tell the woman at the drive-thru that I want to deposit the check in my checking account.
I included my bank card along with the check.
I takes a while but then she comes bacj to the window and says; "With such a large amount, can I have a form of ID?
I comply and give her my drivers license.
She comes back and sends and envelope with the full amount to me!!
I'm stunned!!
I said, "I wanted to deposit the check into my checking ACCOUNT.
She apologizes and takes the money back. I keep $100.00

I now look at my account and it says: "Deposit PENDING!" WTH lady!

I call BofA customer service and they connect me to the branch and she ANSWERS.
She says she just voided out the first transaction and because it was a check, she did it that way!

I explain: YOU gave me the full amount in cash and I gave the cash back so that makes it a CASH DEPOSIT.

She says she'll change the nature of the deposit to cash.
I said it will be changed in 30 minutes because I have to pay bills?
She says: YES!

1 hour later it is still pending.

  • Like
Reactions: CVLion
More to tell:

So, I take the CASHIERS CHECK to B of A and tell the woman at the drive-thru that I want to deposit the check in my checking account.
I included my bank card along with the check.
I takes a while but then she comes bacj to the window and says; "With such a large amount, can I have a form of ID?
I comply and give her my drivers license.
She comes back and sends and envelope with the full amount to me!!
I'm stunned!!
I said, "I wanted to deposit the check into my checking ACCOUNT.
She apologizes and takes the money back. I keep $100.00

I now look at my account and it says: "Deposit PENDING!" WTH lady!

I call BofA customer service and they connect me to the branch and she ANSWERS.
She says she just voided out the first transaction and because it was a check, she did it that way!

I explain: YOU gave me the full amount in cash and I gave the cash back so that makes it a CASH DEPOSIT.

She says she'll change the nature of the deposit to cash.
I said it will be changed in 30 minutes because I have to pay bills?
She says: YES!

1 hour later it is still pending.


Clearly you burned way too many good luck points just by receiving the check in the first place, and had to be brought back down to Earth to resume slogging through bullsh*t along with the rest of us trying to make our way out the rear end of 2020 here. Sorry for the return to reality, man!
  • Like
Reactions: TheGLOV
More to tell:

So, I take the CASHIERS CHECK to B of A and tell the woman at the drive-thru that I want to deposit the check in my checking account.
I included my bank card along with the check.
I takes a while but then she comes bacj to the window and says; "With such a large amount, can I have a form of ID?
I comply and give her my drivers license.
She comes back and sends and envelope with the full amount to me!!
I'm stunned!!
I said, "I wanted to deposit the check into my checking ACCOUNT.
She apologizes and takes the money back. I keep $100.00

I now look at my account and it says: "Deposit PENDING!" WTH lady!

I call BofA customer service and they connect me to the branch and she ANSWERS.
She says she just voided out the first transaction and because it was a check, she did it that way!

I explain: YOU gave me the full amount in cash and I gave the cash back so that makes it a CASH DEPOSIT.

She says she'll change the nature of the deposit to cash.
I said it will be changed in 30 minutes because I have to pay bills?
She says: YES!

1 hour later it is still pending.

you look shifty and they figured you for some confidence man pulling some kind of scam

can't blame em ;)
  • Like
Reactions: TheGLOV
Anybody else get one from them for/due to some kind of miss-deed on their part/legal settlement?

Merry Christmas to me!


It looks legit.

Cashiers check.

Has legit 800# to call if any questions.

Advises 1099(s) possibly.
If they sent you $4,000 to settle your case, they probably owe you $50,000.
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Reactions: TheGLOV
Guessin it’s from an old IRA type deal.

Spin, I have no idea. I checked back on anything it could have been and came up empty. (As a certified pack rat, I still have every pay stub, investment plan confirmation/statement, 401(k) statement, Group Universal Life statement, pension statement, IRA statement, tax return, etc. since my first summer job in high school.)

Why any money would be turned over to The State of Illinois is surprising especially since the company obviously knows where I am.....I’m receiving a pension from them.

Another “Unexplained Mystery”!
  • Like
Reactions: TheGLOV
Anybody else get one from them for/due to some kind of miss-deed on their part/legal settlement?

Merry Christmas to me!


It looks legit.

Cashiers check.

Has legit 800# to call if any questions.

Advises 1099(s) possibly.
Well, that explains why Wells Fargo cut my dividend check 80%!
  • Haha
Reactions: TheGLOV
More to tell:

So, I take the CASHIERS CHECK to B of A and tell the woman at the drive-thru that I want to deposit the check in my checking account.
I included my bank card along with the check.
I takes a while but then she comes bacj to the window and says; "With such a large amount, can I have a form of ID?
I comply and give her my drivers license.
She comes back and sends and envelope with the full amount to me!!
I'm stunned!!
I said, "I wanted to deposit the check into my checking ACCOUNT.
She apologizes and takes the money back. I keep $100.00

I now look at my account and it says: "Deposit PENDING!" WTH lady!

I call BofA customer service and they connect me to the branch and she ANSWERS.
She says she just voided out the first transaction and because it was a check, she did it that way!

I explain: YOU gave me the full amount in cash and I gave the cash back so that makes it a CASH DEPOSIT.

She says she'll change the nature of the deposit to cash.
I said it will be changed in 30 minutes because I have to pay bills?
She says: YES!

1 hour later it is still pending.

You kept $100? Did she know?
  • Like
Reactions: TheGLOV
More to tell:

So, I take the CASHIERS CHECK to B of A and tell the woman at the drive-thru that I want to deposit the check in my checking account.
I included my bank card along with the check.
I takes a while but then she comes bacj to the window and says; "With such a large amount, can I have a form of ID?
I comply and give her my drivers license.
She comes back and sends and envelope with the full amount to me!!
I'm stunned!!
I said, "I wanted to deposit the check into my checking ACCOUNT.
She apologizes and takes the money back. I keep $100.00

I now look at my account and it says: "Deposit PENDING!" WTH lady!

I call BofA customer service and they connect me to the branch and she ANSWERS.
She says she just voided out the first transaction and because it was a check, she did it that way!

I explain: YOU gave me the full amount in cash and I gave the cash back so that makes it a CASH DEPOSIT.

She says she'll change the nature of the deposit to cash.
I said it will be changed in 30 minutes because I have to pay bills?
She says: YES!

1 hour later it is still pending.

  • Haha
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Did you fill anything out to get it? I had a car loan and a mortgage w Wells Fargo over that time period and now I'd like a piece of the action.
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