I’ve know about this for years. If the instrument you use to measure is inaccurate or you improperly use it your data is what’s called garbage.
In powerlifting meets we use precision plates. 50 kg is 50.00 kg. Standard Olympic plates might be off by 10%. Yep. My weights weigh at 42 lbs to 49.5 lbs for a listed weight of 45 lbs. Once I decided to to weigh my plates after a deadlift.
The 12 Olympic 45 lb plates weighed 554.5, the bar was 45 for an actual 599.5 lb deadlift.
So I bought precision plates, four 50 kg plates and two 25 kg plates..
Similar to BP, if you use the wrong size cuff you get an inaccurate measurement. Docs know this and if they’re paying attention they’ll make sure it’s measured accurately. If they are paying attention.
But scientists? They should god damn know better. Well they do know this but funding is contingent on getting certain results. And the useful/useless idiots here and out there run with the lie.