Why not Belize, Nicaragua, or Costa Rica? The article is dated but it underscores the fact we are no further ahead then we were in 2014!
The situation is not really hard to grasp. There are three main reasons that Central American youth are crossing the border: they are fleeing lack of opportunity; they are fleeing violence; and they are seeking to reunite with parents and other family members already in the United States. Although the media talk about “Central American children,” almost all of the detainees are, in fact, coming from only three of the six countries of Central America: Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras. There are almost none from Belize, Nicaragua, or Costa Rica. Anybody who remembers the 1980s can probably guess why. The enormous quantities of military “aid” that the United States poured into Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras helped create an environment of violently enforced inequality whose bitter fruits are still being reaped.
Look, we screwed up in our past foreign policy. Now we face an "humanitarian issue" or a "crisis," however you want to look at it, it's real. The boots-on-the-ground tell us so. It's not a manufactured crisis, NJPSU's protestations notwithstanding. How to best deal with it. Presuming 'poverty' isn't justification for granting amnesty, turn them back. Why. Because wealth is limited and we cannot afford to take these people in (up to 1M per year) without impacting our standard-of-living. Second, mitigate the violence there by: 1) closing the amnesty loophole on these countries and 2) stop interfering in their domestic politics. If they choose to go socialist then let them. BFD! Let them 'fall on their own sword'. I shudder to think what's going to happen with Venezuela now that we're involved there. I know ideologically it is the inverse but Jesus, when will we learn to stop meddling?! I get a sense that business interests and corresponding lobbying influences are f_cking us up.
I thank you and let's keep it real.
The situation is not really hard to grasp. There are three main reasons that Central American youth are crossing the border: they are fleeing lack of opportunity; they are fleeing violence; and they are seeking to reunite with parents and other family members already in the United States. Although the media talk about “Central American children,” almost all of the detainees are, in fact, coming from only three of the six countries of Central America: Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras. There are almost none from Belize, Nicaragua, or Costa Rica. Anybody who remembers the 1980s can probably guess why. The enormous quantities of military “aid” that the United States poured into Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras helped create an environment of violently enforced inequality whose bitter fruits are still being reaped.
Look, we screwed up in our past foreign policy. Now we face an "humanitarian issue" or a "crisis," however you want to look at it, it's real. The boots-on-the-ground tell us so. It's not a manufactured crisis, NJPSU's protestations notwithstanding. How to best deal with it. Presuming 'poverty' isn't justification for granting amnesty, turn them back. Why. Because wealth is limited and we cannot afford to take these people in (up to 1M per year) without impacting our standard-of-living. Second, mitigate the violence there by: 1) closing the amnesty loophole on these countries and 2) stop interfering in their domestic politics. If they choose to go socialist then let them. BFD! Let them 'fall on their own sword'. I shudder to think what's going to happen with Venezuela now that we're involved there. I know ideologically it is the inverse but Jesus, when will we learn to stop meddling?! I get a sense that business interests and corresponding lobbying influences are f_cking us up.
I thank you and let's keep it real.