Wolf calls for Eakin to resign as Supreme Court backs off of plan to


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2004
pack the board (called the Judicial Court of Discipline) that will decide Eakin's fate. Eakin clearly has been voting on the nomination of his political ally. Jesus! In America you do NOT get to pick your own judge after you did something wrong. What kind of tinhorn dictatorship does that? In what fantasyland of due process does the alleged wrongdoer get to pick his friend to be the judge? And these people do this as though they cannot even see what the problem with it would be.

In many ways this is even better proof of Eakin's unfitness than the emails

"Gov. Wolf called on Pennsylvania Supreme Court Justice J. Michael Eakin to resign Saturday, hours after The Inquirer reported that the justice was part of a ploy to install a new appointee to the judicial disciplinary tribunal expected to decide his fate in the pornographic email scandal.

"This process is absurd," Wolf spokesman Jeff Sheridan said. "Justice Eakin's behavior is reprehensible and beyond unbecoming of an individual, let alone a Supreme Court justice.

"Justice Eakin should resign," Sheridan said. "The people of Pennsylvania deserve better."

Wolf's call for Eakin to step down came after Chief Justice Thomas Saylor on Saturday abruptly halted the high court's bid to nominate Karen Snider, a former secretary of the state Department of Public Welfare, to the Court of Judicial Discipline. Within days, the court is expected to take up the matter of whether Eakin violated judicial rules by sending or receiving several dozen emails that contained offensive content.

The Inquirer reported earlier in the day that Saylor and Eakin were backing Snider so she could support Eakin in the disciplinary process. The Inquirer also disclosed that Eakin had traded emails with friends in which he discussed plans to visit strip clubs and made racy comments about his female judicial aides.

In his statement Saturday, Saylor called Snider "a candidate with excellent credentials," but said several justices were concerned because Eakin had participated in the vote to nominate her to the Court of Judicial Discipline, which will decide his fate in the email scandal.

"I shared those concerns and do not believe Justice Eakin should participate in the decision," Saylor said.

Because Snider would have been eligible to vote on Eakin's case, Saylor said, "I made the decision to withdraw Ms. Snider's name and restart the nomination process."

Asked Friday whether Eakin had participated in the vote, a spokesman for the court refused to answer, saying it was an "internal matter."

Saylor confirmed in his statement that Eakin had voted. The chief justice, who has considerable power over the court, was silent on why he had permitted Eakin to do so. Saylor's statement did not reveal how Eakin or any other justice had voted.

The high court's about-face followed an Inquirer report that Saylor and Eakin were backing a plan to install a new member on the disciplinary court in a bid to assist Eakin.
The conduct of these judges during the porn email investigations is worse than the porn emails themselves. Phony investigations conducted by the judges friends, trying to stack the Court of Judicial Discipline with their supporters. Saylor only seemed to have a problem with this after it was made public. Maybe he should go too.
The conduct of these judges during the porn email investigations is worse than the porn emails themselves. Phony investigations conducted by the judges friends, trying to stack the Court of Judicial Discipline with their supporters. Saylor only seemed to have a problem with this after it was made public. Maybe he should go too.
way too many express remorse only after being caught red handed. The corruptness within Pa is overwhelming at so many levels.
way too many express remorse only after being caught red handed. The corruptness within Pa is overwhelming at so many levels.
I have been a life long resident of Pennsylvania and a promoter of Pennsylvania in that time. I have never been so disgusted with Pennsylvania and it's politics as I am now. This State now ranks below Kansas as a well managed system. I am really sorry that I ever chose to be a resident of Pennsylvania. I am to old to be looking for someplace else however I have very well educated grandchildren and I am advising them to be moving on.
The conduct of these judges during the porn email investigations is worse than the porn emails themselves. Phony investigations conducted by the judges friends, trying to stack the Court of Judicial Discipline with their supporters. Saylor only seemed to have a problem with this after it was made public. Maybe he should go too.

Dare I point out that all of them were lawyers long before they were Judges. IOW, their "ethics" (actually lack of them), reprehensible self-interested conduct, complete lack of "integrity" and shameless behavior in general is not new and should surprise nobody in the Pennsylvania Judiciary or State-Level Goverment offices.
Dare I point out that all of them were lawyers long before they were Judges. IOW, their "ethics" (actually lack of them), reprehensible self-interested conduct, complete lack of "integrity" and shameless behavior in general is not new and should surprise nobody in the Pennsylvania Judiciary or State-Level Goverment offices.

My point is "doublely so" given that the most successful State-Level politicians (who often move on to the National political scene) are generally lawyers themselves and sadly share the same soulless, zero-integrity, morally-bankrupt "win regardless of means" and "the ends justify the means" philosophy of life. IOW, lying and cheating is only lying and cheating if you lose....there is no absolute moral standard that says it is wrong to lie, cheat and steal out of extreme self-interest, it's all subjective and perfectly fine as long as you attain "the ends" you were looking for which "justifies" traditionally immoral means.
Funny how the Inquirer has become so active in this affair, after ignoring everything for so long and targeting Kane in particular.

I noticed a dramatic shift coinciding with the day that Fina et al sued them.

(You have to go to pennlive exclusively now for the anti-Kane, pro-badguys stuff.)

(Maybe Wishful will post a link for you.) :cool:
I have been a life long resident of Pennsylvania and a promoter of Pennsylvania in that time. I have never been so disgusted with Pennsylvania and it's politics as I am now. This State now ranks below Kansas as a well managed system. I am really sorry that I ever chose to be a resident of Pennsylvania. I am to old to be looking for someplace else however I have very well educated grandchildren and I am advising them to be moving on.
Never too old captain...its starting to get cold up north, and there are many beautiful places down south in which to enjoy your retirement. Downside is that if you pull the top layer off of many state governments, I'm sure there are a lot of dead skunks stinking up those offices as well.
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I have been a life long resident of Pennsylvania and a promoter of Pennsylvania in that time. I have never been so disgusted with Pennsylvania and it's politics as I am now. This State now ranks below Kansas as a well managed system. I am really sorry that I ever chose to be a resident of Pennsylvania. I am to old to be looking for someplace else however I have very well educated grandchildren and I am advising them to be moving on.

It's no different in other states, just hasn't come to light.
"This process is absurd," Wolf spokesman Jeff Sheridan said. "Justice Eakin's behavior is reprehensible and beyond unbecoming of an individual, let alone a Supreme Court justice.

"Justice Eakin should resign," Sheridan said. "The people of Pennsylvania deserve better."

It's about time Wolf woke up. Did he rescind his call for Kane to resign?
Wolf also needs to call for Kane to resign. Suspended license, indeed!

Kane will be handled by the electorate next election cycle. The real question is who is going to handle the skunks who have been imbeded in these high level state positions and judiciary for decades? So far the only one who I've seen with the inclination to do so has been Kane, regardless of her motivation. For that I reason, I hope she continues to burn the house down.
Never too old captain...its starting to get cold up north, and there are many beautiful places down south in which to enjoy your retirement. Downside is that if you pull the top layer off of many state governments, I'm sure there are a lot of dead skunks stinking up those offices as well.
And that would include many state governments in the South. So one should think long and hard about where they want to live.
At 78 years of age, I am fascinated by the phenomenon of political discussion being reduced to labels. "" liberal main stream Media " Fox news is most popular
If web lined up all the members of this board where would we draw the line?
Would it be the same on all issues.
When you reduce your argument to labels
You weaken your argument. Labels are strawmen in discourse.
I have watched this whole thread without comment. Our boy Wishful is a few fries short of a Happy Meal.

He makes a lot of claims about me without much basis, but that is mostly okay. I will let others judge for themselves about most of it.

I have been a lawyer for 29 years, serving on statewide boards regarding the practice of law for the last dozen or so. I participate in judicial elections and follow the judiciary. I appeal cases to the highest court in the state, and sometimes that is the best judicial reform going.

I watch as my HOME state of PA serves up the most corrupt judiciary imaginable, and that corrupt judiciary HAS had and WILL have a massive effect upon the present and future of PSU. All that and he has so little respect for all your powers of discernment that he suggests I don't care about the judiciary? WTF?

Wishful, the judiciary is the ONLY thing, a lot of times, which stands between a free people and the kind of lameass, brownshirt bullshit which someone like you would serve up if you could ever find a majority to vote for you and put you in office. I live in the country, son. We are careful about the very few things we need to be careful about. Part of the joy of living in the woods is there are not so many people you have to be careful of, but the internet still allows me to see some of them. You are one.

Fina is a Dem. So is Seth. So is McCaffrey. You are butthurt because Eakin is a Republican. Too bad, slick. If you are not bright enough to see that corruption has rendered those party labels meaningless in PA, then you must be dumb enough to believe that partisan politics is driving this. Oh wait. You are that dumb.:)
My point is "doublely so" given that the most successful State-Level politicians (who often move on to the National political scene) are generally lawyers themselves and sadly share the same soulless, zero-integrity, morally-bankrupt "win regardless of means" and "the ends justify the means" philosophy of life. IOW, lying and cheating is only lying and cheating if you lose....there is no absolute moral standard that says it is wrong to lie, cheat and steal out of extreme self-interest, it's all subjective and perfectly fine as long as you attain "the ends" you were looking for which "justifies" traditionally immoral means.
I have been a member of the Pennsylvania bar for over 40 years and consider my conduct to be above reproach. I can say the same for every lawyer I know well. I realize that there are dishonest, unethical attorneys, just as there are in any profession, but your characterization of lawyers in general is a gross exaggeration.
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I have been a member of the Pennsylvania bar for over 40 years and consider my conduct to be above reproach. I can say the same for every lawyer I know well. I realize that there are dishonest, unethical attorneys, just as there are in any profession, but your characterization of lawyers in general is a gross exaggeration.

Boy that sounds nearly identical to what the lawyers turned politicians pedantically lecture us with from their bully-pulpit. Who could ever forget Corbutt's legendary outbursts from the podium on this topic. Gee, why is it that the vast majority (read virtually all) of State-Level and National politicians are lawyers by training and they are all among the biggest hypocrites going and constantly lecturing the populace with self-serving, pedantic statements similar to yours as to how they are beyond reproach and answerable to nobody including their maker? Just curious....
Boy that sounds nearly identical to what the lawyers turned politicians pedantically lecture us with from their bully-pulpit. Who could ever forget Corbutt's legendary outbursts from the podium on this topic. Gee, why is it that the vast majority (read virtually all) of State-Level and National politicians are lawyers by training and they are all among the biggest hypocrites going and constantly lecturing the populace with self-serving, pedantic statements similar to yours as to how they are beyond reproach and answerable to nobody including their maker? Just curious....
I have told you what I believe based upon four decades of legal practice. Make of it what you will.
If it's true the Chief Justice of the Pennsylvania supreme court tried to rig or stack the review board for Eakin, then Governor Wolf should be loudly calling for his resignation as well. Appearance of impropriety is bad enough but reportedly trying to fix the review board is unforgivable for a judge, much less a Supreme Court Justice.
If it's true the Chief Justice of the Pennsylvania supreme court tried to rig or stack the review board for Eakin, then Governor Wolf should be loudly calling for his resignation as well. Appearance of impropriety is bad enough but reportedly trying to fix the review board is unforgivable for a judge, much less a Supreme Court Justice.

The entire system from top to bottom is a sham. Nothing surprises me anymore.
My point is "doublely so" given that the most successful State-Level politicians (who often move on to the National political scene) are generally lawyers themselves and sadly share the same soulless, zero-integrity, morally-bankrupt "win regardless of means" and "the ends justify the means" philosophy of life. IOW, lying and cheating is only lying and cheating if you lose....there is no absolute moral standard that says it is wrong to lie, cheat and steal out of extreme self-interest, it's all subjective and perfectly fine as long as you attain "the ends" you were looking for which "justifies" traditionally immoral means.
Good lord. Now all lawyers are jackasses and you (of course) are a paragon of virtue, intelligence and good judgment. What an absurd, childish, unintelligent post. You embarass yourself with such shallow reasoning. There are bad people in every profession, and of every race, color, creed, political persuasion. Grow up.
I have told you what I believe based upon four decades of legal practice. Make of it what you will.
Gambit, pay no mind. I enjoy working relationships with numerous attorneys whose skills span business, litigation and patent law. They are some very fine men and women.
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Kane will be handled by the electorate next election cycle. The real question is who is going to handle the skunks who have been imbeded in these high level state positions and judiciary for decades? So far the only one who I've seen with the inclination to do so has been Kane, regardless of her motivation. For that I reason, I hope she continues to burn the house down.
As if they won't be replaced by more skunks....Corbett brought down several high profile leaders from both parties a few short years ago. Has anything changed? Of course not. Politics doesn't attract our best and brightest and is rife with corruption. That isn't new, nor is it going to change.
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I have been a member of the Pennsylvania bar for over 40 years and consider my conduct to be above reproach. I can say the same for every lawyer I know well. I realize that there are dishonest, unethical attorneys, just as there are in any profession, but your characterization of lawyers in general is a gross exaggeration.

Don't waste your time arguing with bushwood.
Wolf also needs to call for Kane to resign. Suspended license, indeed!

Whose votes suspended her law license? Eakin and Saylor, who were just caught trying to pack the Judicial Discipline Court with Eakin's friends, just like they got Graci, Eakin's friend and campaign lawyer, to preside over the whitewash of Eakin's role in porngate in 2014. BTW, wolf has called for KK to resign. I hope she tells him to go to hell.

You cannot get out of this mess by firing people or getting them to resign in exchange for dropping the probe, though powerful people in both parties would now like to see that. The PA Supreme Court's hands-off "handling" of the Kids for Cash scandal when it was brought to them long before the indictments ought to have been a signal to everyone that this Court cannot be trusted to do justice when their own are implicated in wrongdoing.
I like the scrappiness of Bender's reporting.

I wonder if it would be beneficial to have AG Kane do an interview with someone like Chris Cuomo (who is versed in the Second Mile/AG Investigation contents of this Pandora's Box) and bring along PA Senator Anthony Williams and Nina Ahmed of PhilaNOW.
I still am fascinated that you good folks in Pa get riled up over this, as if you have discovered that corruption and politics is something new.

I tell ya, 'ro, the blatant nature of this stuff with the PA Court is always gonna shock some folks. I have been around courts all my professional life, and WV has plenty of corrupt folks, but the scale and arrogance of this stuff in PA is pretty much off the scale.

It makes WV's corruption akin to shoplifting used socks from a rummage sale.

Most people expect a level of professionalism and decency from a state Supreme Court justice which they do not expect from a Centre County Commissioner or a state rep.

It does not harm the legislative/executive system much when you assume your rep or a commissioner is on the take and dirty. But the efficacy of the judiciary is wholly dependent upon the faith of the community in its fairness, and that is dependent on the faith that the justices are not crooks, pervs and scummy fixers. There is no reason for such faith in the PA Judiciary at this time.
That is a game-changer.
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Boy that sounds nearly identical to what the lawyers turned politicians pedantically lecture us with from their bully-pulpit. Who could ever forget Corbutt's legendary outbursts from the podium on this topic. Gee, why is it that the vast majority (read virtually all) of State-Level and National politicians are lawyers by training and they are all among the biggest hypocrites going and constantly lecturing the populace with self-serving, pedantic statements similar to yours as to how they are beyond reproach and answerable to nobody including their maker? Just curious....

Your view of public corruption is skewed by the amount of it you see in PA. FG is just relating his experience, and for the most part it is similar to mine in WV. But the people of PA are too trusting, and the PA Judiciary is way too closed off. The notion that the Judicial Conduct Board operates in secret is complete horseshit. I do not know of another state court system which operates so completely in secrecy. That whole setup needs some sunlight shined on it.

This secret, unaccountable behavior is the REASON why the BoT was able to screw PSU. The only people who understand it well enough to fix it are lawyers in the end. The only allies the residents of PA will have who CAN fix it are lawyers. With enough sunshine, they will fix it.
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As if they won't be replaced by more skunks....Corbett brought down several high profile leaders from both parties a few short years ago. Has anything changed? Of course not. Politics doesn't attract our best and brightest and is rife with corruption. That isn't new, nor is it going to change.

Well all I can say is this kind of attitude definitely won't bring about any change. Should we stop pursuing organized crime just because new organized crime figures continue to pop up when the old ones get taken down? Should we stop pursuing and catching bank robbers even though eventually someone else will try it somewhere down the road? You are correct that there will always be someone else to try and game the system, but when enough of them get caught and punished, the frequency can be reduced and better government can be had. Catch and punish enough of the bad eggs and maybe then some of the brightest and best will step forward. If that isn't pursued, then we are truly doomed.
Your view of public corruption is skewed by the amount of it you see in PA. FG is just relating his experience, and for the most part it is similar to mine in WV. But the people of PA are too trusting, and the PA Judiciary is way too closed off. The notion that the Judicial Conduct Board operates in secret is complete horseshit. I do not know of another state court system which operates so completely in secrecy. That whole setup needs some sunlight shined on it.

This secret, unaccountable behavior is the REASON why the BoT was able to screw PSU. The only people who understand it well enough to fix it are lawyers in the end. The only allies the residents of PA will have who CAN fix it are lawyers. With enough sunshine, they will fix it.

You mean the lawyers, and lawyers turned politicians, of good character with some semblance of a conscience and even a modicum of moral-integrity willing to stand on principle and "be counted" potentially at the expense of their own, ever-loving self-interest? Ummm, yea, good luck with that one - based on my life experience, the number of zero-principle, zero-integrity, morally-bankrupt, exclusively self-interested, narcissistic, soulless, shameless lawyers outnumber the ones with even a shred of decency 10-to-1....and it isn't the "1" in that equation that are the most successful regardless of means who build huge war-chests of $$$ & influence that they parlay into self-interested power & control via tying themselves to equally morally-vaccuous, corrupt politicians or direct conversion to their own corrupt political careers. This country is run by lawyers both at the State and Federal level....and the number out of all of them with any sense of decency or moral-obligation to their fellow man (e.g., "The Golden Rule" - an admonition against hypocrisy, let alone the extreme hypocrisy of those who abuse public power entrusted in them for self-interested reasons, the very definition of a "tyrant" from antiquity and the Bible [all of the ancient languages used this same root word - in Old Latin "tyrannus" Old Greek "tyrannos", but the root word was from the Torah meaning unrighteous despot be it a ruler with public authority or a "master" of a private entity]) is diminimus at best. The saying from antiquity regarding the moral decay of "principle" and "values" where the opposite of "The Golden Rule" prevails (e.g., corruption and tyranny via pure hypocrisy and narcissism where extreme self-interest is placed over all else - most especially your moral OBLIGATION to your fellow man) applies to the United States just as it did to the Roman Empire -- "The Fish Rots From The Head First" and lawyers unquestionably make up "the Head" of the US Fish in regards to all branches of the US Government, Judiciary and highest levels of Law Enforcement.
You mean the lawyers, and lawyers turned politicians, of good character with some semblance of a conscience and even a modicum of moral-integrity willing to stand on principle and "be counted" potentially at the expense of their own, ever-loving self-interest? Ummm, yea, good luck with that one - based on my life experience, the number of zero-principle, zero-integrity, morally-bankrupt, exclusively self-interested, narcissistic, soulless, shameless lawyers outnumber the ones with even a shred of decency 10-to-1....and it isn't the "1" in that equation that are the most successful regardless of means who build huge war-chests of $$$ & influence that they parlay into self-interested power & control via tying themselves to equally morally-vaccuous, corrupt politicians or direct conversion to their own corrupt political careers. This country is run by lawyers both at the State and Federal level....and the number out of all of them with any sense of decency or moral-obligation to their fellow man (e.g., "The Golden Rule" - an admonition against hypocrisy, let alone the extreme hypocrisy of those who abuse public power entrusted in them for self-interested reasons, the very definition of a "tyrant" from antiquity and the Bible [all of the ancient languages used this same root word - in Old Latin "tyrannus" Old Greek "tyrannos", but the root word was from the Torah meaning unrighteous despot be it a ruler with public authority or a "master" of a private entity]) is diminimus at best. The saying from antiquity regarding the moral decay of "principle" and "values" where the opposite of "The Golden Rule" prevails (e.g., corruption and tyranny via pure hypocrisy and narcissism where extreme self-interest is placed over all else - most especially your moral OBLIGATION to your fellow man) applies to the United States just as it did to the Roman Empire -- "The Fish Rots From The Head First" and lawyers unquestionably make up "the Head" of the US Fish in regards to all branches of the US Government, Judiciary and highest levels of Law Enforcement.
You're raving.