The Hez will go nuts now. Its gonna get real ugly, real fast.
Edit; I find this fascinating. They did this despite the Russians being major players there. And despite the Russians putting in their newest, super duty anti aircraft defense system that everyone was gaga about a few weeks ago. So the Israelis sent four messages in one airstrike, one to the Hez.....F U . The other to the Third to the world....don't fear Fake Russian technology and four, don't screw with Israel.
Edit; I find this fascinating. They did this despite the Russians being major players there. And despite the Russians putting in their newest, super duty anti aircraft defense system that everyone was gaga about a few weeks ago. So the Israelis sent four messages in one airstrike, one to the Hez.....F U . The other to the Third to the world....don't fear Fake Russian technology and four, don't screw with Israel.