sad when you don't have a defendable position against terrorist regimes.
“Girls in Afghanistan should be going back to school tomorrow, but the Taliban is only allowing boys to be educated,” Clinton tweeted on Wedensday, adding the hashtag “#LetAfghanGirlsLearn.”
Clinton attached a GIF featuring the hashtag in giant bold font.
In response, the Taliban account responded with a vicious roast that invoked Clinton’s loss to Donald Trump, as wells as her husband Bill’s infamous extramarital affairs.
“You spent $700m in our country trying to teach women and girls that there are 140 different genders,” the Taliban tweeted. “No wonder you lost to the orange gangster. You left a huge mess behind in Afghanistan, just like your husband did with that dress.”

Taliban Account Roasts Hillary for Loss to 'Orange Gangster,' Bill's 'Huge Mess' on 'That Dress' - Valiant News
"You left a huge mess behind in Afghanistan, just like your husband did with that dress."