interested pod cast by T-Row and Funky the other day. Think it was the top 10 HS wrestlers show. However, in the beginning of the show Askren came up with some numbers and an interesting analogy. He stated that approximately 64% of beginning wrestlers come back the next year - which is a pretty high drop off rate. But then he indicated that since we have more youth programs than ever before the drop off is taking place before high school. Thus, the numbers in HS is pretty low now compared to the day when full JV teams were populated, etc.
That is how one could interpret his data. Pretty interesting. Also, since I coach some youth kids, I did like what he had to say about youth programs. Coincides with Neil Turner's philosophy somewhat.
.... not sure I agreed with his top 10 later in the show. Provided too much credit for freestyle post HS graduation in my eyes.
That is how one could interpret his data. Pretty interesting. Also, since I coach some youth kids, I did like what he had to say about youth programs. Coincides with Neil Turner's philosophy somewhat.
.... not sure I agreed with his top 10 later in the show. Provided too much credit for freestyle post HS graduation in my eyes.