Did Biden skip his Namenda dose yesterday or what! People have been suing gunmakers for decades. It's only been in the past decade or so it's shifted from product liability and personal injury suits to tort reform; made possible by labeling gun violence as a "public health issue", thereby deflecting blame away from real cause and that's criminals. So this desire to punish the law-abiding majority for the actions of a few bad actors has been incubating for a long time.
Irrespective of your position on guns or gun ownership you had best rise up to meet the challenge because if they can do this to the Second Amendment then they can pick and choose which other amendments to revoke. These are precarious times in which we live. I suggest you get your head out your @ss before this power grab reaches out and touches you personally for then it will be too late. In a word: empathize. Look, I feel for people who lost loved ones to gun violence but making laws based on emotion never ends well.
I thank you and let's keep it real.