Ye olde Memory Lane - 2018 NCAA prediction

Chickenman Testa

Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2003
Had some time to kill - bought a bike trainer and tried it out. Was caught up on my main podcasts so went back to listen to some shows during 2018 NCAAs.

Best of the lot was Steelwood Radio Ep 29 from 3/11/18 - this podcast hasn’t aired since early 2020, but featured 2 Buckeye homers and they were on top of their game post Big 10s and pre NCAAs. In predictions that would put even Garrett Carr of the late, lamented Black Shoe Diaries to shame (or even great Celtics homer, Johnny Most), the main host picked 10 AAs (naturalment!) and 7 titles for the Bucks. In order, he picked:

Nato - 1
Pletch - 2nd
Joey - 1
Hayes - 3
Micah - 1 (beating Nolf along the way - cheddarwurst worthy 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣)
Campbell - 7th or 8th
Bojo - 1
Myles - 1
Moore - 1
Snyder - 1

I conservatively calculated a score of 194 for them (20 bonus added to other scores)

When asked for bare minimum, he threw out 4 finalists (they had 2).

Anyway, it was a fun listen.
You have to love fandom. I have been guilty of this more than once. I guess we see things for how we want to see them. I used to be able to go through the ISU football schedule and find 9-10 wins in the preseason for a team that won 3 games the year before and graduated the three best players.
Had some time to kill - bought a bike trainer and tried it out. Was caught up on my main podcasts so went back to listen to some shows during 2018 NCAAs.

Best of the lot was Steelwood Radio Ep 29 from 3/11/18 - this podcast hasn’t aired since early 2020, but featured 2 Buckeye homers and they were on top of their game post Big 10s and pre NCAAs. In predictions that would put even Garrett Carr of the late, lamented Black Shoe Diaries to shame (or even great Celtics homer, Johnny Most), the main host picked 10 AAs (naturalment!) and 7 titles for the Bucks. In order, he picked:

Nato - 1
Pletch - 2nd
Joey - 1
Hayes - 3
Micah - 1 (beating Nolf along the way - cheddarwurst worthy 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣)
Campbell - 7th or 8th
Bojo - 1
Myles - 1
Moore - 1
Snyder - 1

I conservatively calculated a score of 194 for them (20 bonus added to other scores)

When asked for bare minimum, he threw out 4 finalists (they had 2).

Anyway, it was a fun listen.
Poor TeShan Campbell: even the most homertastic Ohio State fans could barely muster putting him on the podium -- and among those predictions it stands out like a cold sore on a model.
Had some time to kill - bought a bike trainer and tried it out. Was caught up on my main podcasts so went back to listen to some shows during 2018 NCAAs.

Best of the lot was Steelwood Radio Ep 29 from 3/11/18 - this podcast hasn’t aired since early 2020, but featured 2 Buckeye homers and they were on top of their game post Big 10s and pre NCAAs. In predictions that would put even Garrett Carr of the late, lamented Black Shoe Diaries to shame (or even great Celtics homer, Johnny Most), the main host picked 10 AAs (naturalment!) and 7 titles for the Bucks. In order, he picked:

Nato - 1
Pletch - 2nd
Joey - 1
Hayes - 3
Micah - 1 (beating Nolf along the way - cheddarwurst worthy 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣)
Campbell - 7th or 8th
Bojo - 1
Myles - 1
Moore - 1
Snyder - 1

I conservatively calculated a score of 194 for them (20 bonus added to other scores)

When asked for bare minimum, he threw out 4 finalists (they had 2).

Anyway, it was a fun listen.
Lol…So my question to you is:

What has had a more profound impact on your life — Buckeye homers, or Cheddarwurst haha emojis? 😉
Keshawn Hayes at 3rd might be the most offensive to me. I guess they were figuring Zain didn’t break his will to wrestle/live on the front side. Never saw a wrestler look less interested. He was like a not good Ed Ruth.
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