"You Miss 100% of the Shots You Don't Take" - Walter Gretzky


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2003
Last night we took 68 shots and won. Tonight 69 shots and lost. Gave up mid-50's shots each game. >250 shots at Pegula this weekend. Holy smokes!
there is an important difference when you start a thread with a quote, in quotation marks, that is inaccurate and was never said or attributed to the person you are quoting.

Point is, it’s fake news.
My goodness, relax people...BostonNit was just trying to make a point that PSU shoots a lot...who care how accurate the quote was...
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there is an important difference when you start a thread with a quote, in quotation marks, that is inaccurate and was never said or attributed to the person you are quoting.

Point is, it’s fake news.

There I fixed it. Because 100% accuracy on a 30 year old quote is more important than the fact that Penn State plays hockey that is fun to watch.
There I fixed it. Because 100% accuracy on a 30 year old quote is more important than the fact that Penn State plays hockey that is fun to watch.

Getting a 30 year old quote wrong is understandable but your shots taken are way off. Combined the two teams took 73 shots last night and 70 tonight.

You are correct in that PSU plays some fun hockey to watch.