You'll never guess what independent conclusion Louis Freeh came to on June 26, 2012

I also hear that there is a previously unnoticed handwritten marginalia stating "I, Louis Freeh, certify that I am a penis."
Well, he does have the one eye thing going on

FWIW: One person's opinion:

These are the types of things that should have been PAGE 1 of the "report". Actually, stand alone items.
(there are actually a lot of them within the Freeh materials..... stuff like this, stuff wrt Baldwin, stuff wrt Surma, etc etc)
Instead, this type of "first person" documentation was lost in 100 pages of a Master's Degree Thesis ..... IMO.
If someone felt compelled to write a Thesis, it woulda' coulda' shoulda' been provided as the supportive background material for the 17 people who would have been interested enough to analyze it.
And, of course, having it hidden away for years - during which time its potential impact withered and diminished (if not completely vanished) - well, enough said.

C'est la Vie
Yes, and here's another line by Louis that somehow got no media attention:

This Freeh Report should have completely exonerated Joe Paterno's role in this whole mess. But the powers that be needed their scapegoat and now we're trying to climb out of a half billion dollars worth of damage to the university.

The report went outside the University to CYS caseworker Jack Raykovitz who informed TSM director Bruce Heim who decided to bury the report.
Yes, and here's another line by Louis that somehow got no media attention:

This Freeh Report should have completely exonerated Joe Paterno's role in this whole mess. But the powers that be needed their scapegoat and now we're trying to climb out of a half billion dollars worth of damage to the university.

The report went outside the University to CYS caseworker Jack Raykovitz who informed TSM director Bruce Heim who decided to bury the report.

Which, ironically, if one reads the reporting statute at the time, should have been sufficient.
FWIW: One person's opinion:

These are the types of things that should have been PAGE 1 of the "report". Actually, stand alone items.
(there are actually a lot of them within the Freeh materials..... stuff like this, stuff wrt Baldwin, stuff wrt Surma, etc etc)
Instead, this type of "first person" documentation was lost in 100 pages of a Master's Degree Thesis ..... IMO.
If someone felt compelled to write a Thesis, it woulda' coulda' shoulda' been provided as the supportive background material for the 17 people who would have been interested enough to analyze it.
And, of course, having it hidden away for years - during which time its potential impact withered and diminished (if not completely vanished) - well, enough said.

C'est la Vie
In fairness, you and I and John Q. Public were never the intended audience for this document.
Who was the initial frontrunner for the job, Chertoff? I just remember it being someone with integrity. Anyways, there's a reason Frazier wouldn't hire him.
The reason was..........his firm was capable of doing the investigation thoroughly and independently and Freeh was not, especially, since he had to sub out most of the work to Pepper Hamilton. How Freeh ........convinced Frazer to give him 8M to provide the needed results ........remains a mystery.
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Yes, and here's another line by Louis that somehow got no media attention:

This Freeh Report should have completely exonerated Joe Paterno's role in this whole mess. But the powers that be needed their scapegoat and now we're trying to climb out of a half billion dollars worth of damage to the university.

The report went outside the University to CYS caseworker Jack Raykovitz who informed TSM director Bruce Heim who decided to bury the report.
The media swallowed it right up as Joe doing the right thing isn't a story. Making this about a huge football coverup when Jerry was 2 years retired and this was a decade later....well we need web hits and ratings after all. Just think about the coverage and how easily the BoT steered it there. That was some DC level manipulation.
Yes, and here's another line by Louis that somehow got no media attention:

This Freeh Report should have completely exonerated Joe Paterno's role in this whole mess. But the powers that be needed their scapegoat and now we're trying to climb out of a half billion dollars worth of damage to the university.

The report went outside the University to CYS caseworker Jack Raykovitz who informed TSM director Bruce Heim who decided to bury the report.

And for this Emmert vacated wins and nuked the program.
Yes, and here's another line by Louis that somehow got no media attention:

This Freeh Report should have completely exonerated Joe Paterno's role in this whole mess. But the powers that be needed their scapegoat and now we're trying to climb out of a half billion dollars worth of damage to the university.

The report went outside the University to CYS caseworker Jack Raykovitz who informed TSM director Bruce Heim who decided to bury the report.

Fifty years from now, either a law professor or a journalism class will be given the Freeh report evidence (with names changed) and have them come up with conclusions. Then they will be given the conclusions Freeh presented. Only then will Penn State truly be vindicated.

Not if morons like sara ganim are the teachers.
The reason was..........his firm was capable of doing the investigation thoroughly and independently and Freeh was not, especially, since he had to sub out most of the work to Pepper Hamilton. How Freeh ........convinced Frazer to give him 8M to provide the needed results ........remains a mystery.
Freeh is nothing but a whore. Not a cheap hooker doing it for drug money, but like a high priced one who goes on an oil shiek's yacht for a few months .
No idea why I even open threads like this and read this garbage. It just makes my blood boil. Evil people running Penn State did this to cover an even greater evil. And they won.

Which is why I donate $4.09 every year to PSU. Refuse to give one extra cent. I get by, barely, by knowing that all these rotten scumbags will be meeting their maker someday, and JVP will be standing behind St. peter with that wry smile on his face waving bye-bye as they are all banished to hell.
For contextual purposes, this 6/26/2012 email from Louis Freeh was sent 16 days prior to the report's public release. Noteworthy that the A7 report indicates the Freeh report had been completed/submitted/reviewed with NCAA & B1G officials well prior to it's public release.
I had many arguments about this on this board. There was simply no way that a consent decree costing tens of millions of dollars was done in a couple of days. This whole thing was a sham from day one. accountability for the true organization at fault: The Second Mile.
Devoid of any snark or sarcasm...I am being completely serious:

Will someone please explain what "There is a stronger case to be made for 'protecting the university' than JP [Joe Paterno] or the 'FB [football] program' -- which is never really articulated in any evidence I have seen" MEANS? How are you all interpreting it. Context would be very appreciated.

Again, I'm not taking a position or trying to start an argument, I just want to know how you are interpreting that statement, in context of the run-up-to the release of the Freeh Report and the conclusions therein.

Devoid of any snark or sarcasm...I am being completely serious:

Will someone please explain what "There is a stronger case to be made for 'protecting the university' than JP [Joe Paterno] or the 'FB [football] program' -- which is never really articulated in any evidence I have seen" MEANS? How are you all interpreting it. Context would be very appreciated.

Again, I'm not taking a position or trying to start an argument, I just want to know how you are interpreting that statement, in context of the run-up-to the release of the Freeh Report and the conclusions therein.

Easy peasy.....he is saying "you need to throw the football team under the bus to protect the BOT and Second Mile." They were happy to trash the brand in order to save the BOT.

It is pretty simple...but it is in hieroglyphics that only Freeh and the BOT can read and understand.
Devoid of any snark or sarcasm...I am being completely serious:

Will someone please explain what "There is a stronger case to be made for 'protecting the university' than JP [Joe Paterno] or the 'FB [football] program' -- which is never really articulated in any evidence I have seen" MEANS? How are you all interpreting it. Context would be very appreciated.

Again, I'm not taking a position or trying to start an argument, I just want to know how you are interpreting that statement, in context of the run-up-to the release of the Freeh Report and the conclusions therein.


On a micro scale, the statement speaks for itself: there isn't any evidence that there was a cover up to protect JVP or PSU football (Freeh seems to believe there is some evidence of a cover up to protect the university as a whole, on which I disagree with him). This is pretty huge for a number of reasons including below.

On a larger scale, this reinforces that the executive summary of the Freeh report (i.e. what he said at his press conference) isn't even backed up by his own report. So even if the report itself has some investigative value (I would argue it has very little), the "version" the report presented to the public (through the press conference and executive summary) tells a very different story, i.e. pinning it on football, even though that's not what the investigation found.

That's pretty huge.
Devoid of any snark or sarcasm...I am being completely serious:

Will someone please explain what "There is a stronger case to be made for 'protecting the university' than JP [Joe Paterno] or the 'FB [football] program' -- which is never really articulated in any evidence I have seen" MEANS? How are you all interpreting it. Context would be very appreciated.

Again, I'm not taking a position or trying to start an argument, I just want to know how you are interpreting that statement, in context of the run-up-to the release of the Freeh Report and the conclusions therein.

It means that Freeh's stated position either underwent a dramatic change in a very short period of time or his press conference assertion of a "cover-up to protect football" is an outright lie.