Those who have paid attention know that AG Corbett "Tom didn't want to" and slow walked the Sandusky Investigation. Moulton simply did not attribute the delays which were inexplicable, to political motivations. The immaculate email that landed on SPM computer the day after the election served notice that action was necessary. Tommy Boy was now in charge of the candy store and many of The Fools had a sweet tooth. A PSU without GS put a gleam to Tommy's eye. Joe Paterno was quid pro quo in the eyes of a # of Fools. Tommy celebrated and boasted that he told them to do it." Tommy needed to be certain that any investigation would not stray into the OAG malfeasance. So he made a list and checked it twice. The SITF was manned by snakes. The kind that have no conscience when their corporations are responsible for countless deaths...... and work to screw their surviving kin. Of course this is fiction......
How fortunate we are that Louis Freeh, the secular saint, rode his white horse into State College. With his track record in forensics and honesty, there can be no reason to question his "independent" investigation. After all, those document say what the say......or do they?