Note: Details regarding each Hollywood star’s actions are at the link, linked to their names.
‘Trump Standard’ Means These H’Wood Leftists Lose Walk of Fame Stars – Bye, John Lennon!
Getty Images
7 Aug 2018
The West Hollywood City Council voted unanimously Monday to remove President Trump’s star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
Although symbolic, the resolution calls for the removal of Trump’s star due to his “disturbing treatment of women and other actions.”
If the city council actually had the power to remove these landmarks, the sidewalks of Hollywood Boulevard would soon be filled with potholes.
Nevertheless, a standard has been set. Based only on accusations regarding your treatment of women, you will now lose your star on the historic Walk of Fame, or you will be denied one, despite your body of work.
First some background…
A star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame is not an honorary degree. Rather, it is like winning an Academy Award, something that is earned based on actual accomplishment. Sure there is some public relations around it, but no one can simply purchase a star.
Trump’s accomplishments in the arena of show business are beyond dispute.
On top of being a relevant pop culture figure for over thirty-five-years, a feat reserved for a very few, and one of the most famous businessmen in history, Trump’s bona fides in the business of show are, by any standard, impressive. These include his part in keeping the Miss Universe pageant going, his involvement in Wrestlemania at the height of that mania, and an incredible 14 season run on NBC’s The Apprentice, a reality show so dependent on him, it tanked the following season when Arnold Schwarzenegger, one of the biggest movie stars in the world, took his place.
Oh, and then there is the whole becoming the 45th President of the United States thing.
This means these fascist West Hollywood politicians have to hide behind a fig leaf to call for the removal of Trump’s Walk of Fame star, and this fig leaf is “treatment of women.” This standard is of course ridiculous. We all know that this is just another attempt to blacklist a man who does not hold the “appropriate” views.
And we know that because no one is calling for John Lennon, Sean Penn, Alec Baldwin, Charlie Chaplin, and a whole host of political leftists who have been accused of much worse, to have their Walk of Fame star removed.
But just for laughs, why don’t we assume West Hollywood’s City Council is not staffed with elected fascists… Just for laughs, let’s go ahead and assume West Hollywood’s City Council is sincere in its desire to purge the Walk of Fame of all those terrible men accused of treating women horribly…
Say goodbye to the following legends…
Charlie Chaplin – statutory rape
Kevin Spacey – child molestation
Muhammad Ali – spousal abuse
Alec Baldwin – accused of numerous acts of violence and bullying
John Lennon – admitted to serial domestic abuse
Bill Murray – domestic abuse
John Barrymore – domestic abuse
Dustin Hoffman – sexual harassment
John Lasseter – unwanted touching and harassment
Arnold Schwarzenegger – groping women
And there will be no Walk for Fame stars for…
Johnny Depp
Sean Penn
Michael Fassbender
Josh Brolin
Christian Bale
Chris Brown
Roman Polanski – convicted child rapist
Dr. Dre
Mike Tyson
Jim Carrey
Neil DeGrasse Tyson
Sen. Al Franken
Terence Howard
David O. Russell
I could go on and on and on and on…
Just to be clear, as is the case with Trump, unless noted otherwise, the above have only been accused.
But accusations are West Hollywood’s standards, and all of these leftists have been accused of much worse than what Trump has been accused of.
So since this City Council claims none of this has anything to do with politics, let the purges and removals begin!