10 Second Delay, Worst Homer Announcers You Know.


Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2017
Remember the days before 10 second radio delays? People, mainly HS kids would be cursing wildly in the background while their friends listened on transistor radios. Yes, no ear buds, headphones etc. Some of the funniest calls I old drunk called Hillgrove and said that all PSU & Pitt games were rigged. Paterno headed up the mafia from State College to the East and whoever the Pitt coach was (Fazio at the time) ran it from west of SC to the Ohio line. Hillgrove and his co-host told the guy it was the most asinine call they ever took. Then there was the classic during Majors Era II where the caller stated after a horrific Pitt loss "What's next for Johnnie Majors? National Spokesperson for Metamucil"? I almost wrecked.

Worst homers? Sam Vidnovic who did the McKeesport games. He was a real ass. They would play Altoona, a big rivarly, and Sam "A bone crushing tackle by McKeesport" (not anywhere close), then "Oh (insert McKeesport player name) he was tripped up by Altoona" (brutalized in reality). His schtick never changed.

Then there was Beer Belly Blowhard Billy Hillgrove who made Pitt games unlistenable. I had a buddy who would call him saying that "I feel Pitt has nothing but fine gentlemen on their I don't they're a bunch of assholes" (before delay). Funny stuff.

Anyone else?
Remember the days before 10 second radio delays? People, mainly HS kids would be cursing wildly in the background while their friends listened on transistor radios. Yes, no ear buds, headphones etc. Some of the funniest calls I old drunk called Hillgrove and said that all PSU & Pitt games were rigged. Paterno headed up the mafia from State College to the East and whoever the Pitt coach was (Fazio at the time) ran it from west of SC to the Ohio line. Hillgrove and his co-host told the guy it was the most asinine call they ever took. Then there was the classic during Majors Era II where the caller stated after a horrific Pitt loss "What's next for Johnnie Majors? National Spokesperson for Metamucil"? I almost wrecked.

Worst homers? Sam Vidnovic who did the McKeesport games. He was a real ass. They would play Altoona, a big rivarly, and Sam "A bone crushing tackle by McKeesport" (not anywhere close), then "Oh (insert McKeesport player name) he was tripped up by Altoona" (brutalized in reality). His schtick never changed.

Then there was Beer Belly Blowhard Billy Hillgrove who made Pitt games unlistenable. I had a buddy who would call him saying that "I feel Pitt has nothing but fine gentlemen on their I don't they're a bunch of assholes" (before delay). Funny stuff.

Anyone else?

Bump. Someone has to know of some clowns or worse experiences.

"CQ, CQ, 2X2L calling CQ.

Isn't there anyone left out there?

At least guess the book/movie.
The PSU announcers in the '60's included a local real estate guy named Mickey Bernstein. In those days, there was only one or two games televised so for most away games it was the radio or nothing. Listening to the announcers many times was very confusing.
In the beginning was Ray Scott, Then Fran came along. Lo and behold the world got clear and everyone knew what was happening. Savan was good, but had short stay. And Fran came back with his sidekick George Paterno; the world was getting a little fuzzy as time progressed.

Loved Fran, but Steve Jones and Jack Ham are outstanding. They report the game: the good, the bad and the ugly. True professionals.
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The PSU announcers in the '60's included a local real estate guy named Mickey Bernstein.

Mickey Bergstein was the announcer my first two years at PSU. I remember he got into some trouble during the 1968 game at Pitt (a 65-9 PSU victory) when a fight broke out in the stands, and he complained about "the bearded ones" on the air. It's the last time I heard him do a game -- the next game, the regular-season finale against Syracuse, was at home. A new radio crew took over the next season.