2017 BWI March Madness Pick'Em

Tom McAndrew

Well-Known Member
May 29, 2001
Once again, I invite you to join the BWI March Madness Pick'Em. As always, the competition is just for bragging rights. There is no entry fee to participate, and you don't win any money for winning the March Madness Pick'Em.


On the screen you are taken to, click on the Find a pool button

On the Join a Pool screen, click on the Join a Private Pool button

On the window that appears, there are 2 blank fields.

- opposite Pool id, enter:

- opposite Password, enter:

- click on the Join Pool button

At that point, you have to Sign in if you have a Yahoo account, or you have to create a Yahoo account if you don't have one. As I have an account that I use for the board Pick'Ems, I can't step you through the process for Signing in, or Creating an account. I presume you follow the prompts.

Once you are past the sign in/account creation process, you are taken to the BWI March Madness screen.

You have to name your brackets (which I strongly suggest that you use your board handle as part of the bracket name).

Each participant can enter 2 brackets in the BWI March Madness. So have a serious one, and a hopeful one, or a I'm-gonna-win one, and an upset one, etc.

The scoring system is No Bonus Points. Each game is worth 1 point.

Best of luck to all that participate.

If the pool reaches max size (which I don't know if there is one, or if there is what the number is), please let me know. In past years, I've created additional pools if we reached the limit.

Looking back at last year's BWI March Madness Pick'Em, here are the final standings:

- yours truly and Klueless tied for 1st place, with 46 points
- Michael took 3rd, with 44 points
- ntlion and Wildcat tied for 4th, with 44 points
- cigarowl, Dan, john4psu, and David tied for 6th, with 41 points
- Go PSU, Major Hoople, MtNittany, PSUAlum91, and Chris97 tied for 10th, with 40 points
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So after the 1st weekend of the tournament, here are the standings:

Yours truly is in 1st place, with 39 points.

Ronald, sheckman, nitlion7176, Ralphie, Bob78, Fac, OldTimer, and lionville are tied for 2nd place, with 38 points.

Marvin, chuckstar, Neff, BrownDog, Rochlion, CoolBean, and wbcincy are tied for 3rd place, with 37 points.

Royersford, CoolBean (his 2nd bracket), JTLion, AustinLion, Sheet of Integrity (???), PennStateNate, rudedude, and bna are tied for 4th place, with 36 points.

ChrisD, ncwref, PointingDogsRule, Charles (???), CFLion, bmw199, The Stan (#1), The Stan (#2), JaxLion, cigarowl, RochLion (#2), and john4psu are tied for 5th place, with 35 points.

There are a slew of folks tied for 6th place with 34 points.

Too soon to predict who is in the driver's seat for the competition. We should have a better sense after Rounds 3 and 4 in the 2nd weekend of the competition.

It's interesting to see how many folks picked Villanova to win it all. Their early departure will hurt a number of brackets
After the 2nd weekend of the tournament, the standings are as follows:

Ralphie and your truly are tied for 1st, with 45 points.

nitlion7176 is in 2nd place, with 44 points.

Marvin (??), Ronald (??), Fac, cigarowl, and Neff are tied for 3rd place, with 43 points.

sheckman, Bob78, browndog, dalions, RochLion, and bna are tied for 4th place, with 42 points

Chuckstar (??), lionville, RochLion (2nd bracket), PennstateNate, and CoolBean are tied for 5th place, with 41 points.

Coach Lun (??), Royersford, CoolBean (2nd bracket), AustinLion, Phil's Rug, Old Timer, john4psu, Ronald (?? -- 2nd bracket), Robert D (??), and rudedude are tied for 6th place, with 40 points.

ncwref, NitneLiun, Offside Clyde, The Stan, Sheet of Integrity (??), and wbcincy are tied for 7th place, with 39 points.

Ktownlion, PointingDogsRule, bluesteel, charles (??), CF Lion, JTLion, Joe (??), The Stan (2nd bracket), mahatango1, and yours truly (2nd bracket) are tied for 8th place, with 38 points.

Michael E (??), PSU Toronto, David (??), PSJimbo, JaxLion, fkkkjm, Bob (??), bmejnes, and leatherhelmet are tied for 9th place, with 37 points.

Jeffrey (??), bmw199, lionroar, Woodpecker, and Royersford (2nd bracket) are tied for 10th place, with 36 points.
Now that UNC has won the Championship game, here are the final standings:

1st place - yours truly, with 47 points

2nd place - nitlion7176, with 46 points

3rd place - Ralphie, with 45 points

4th place - marvin (??), RochLion, and Ronald (??), wtih 44 points

5th place - Dalions, Neff, Fac, BrownDog, and CigarOwl, with 43 points

6th place - bna, sheckman, PennStatenate, Bob78, and john4psu, with 42 points

7th place - Coach Lun (??), AustinLion, lionville, CoolBean, Chuckstar (??), ChrisD (??), and RochLion (2nd bracket), with 41 points

8th place - Old Timer, CF Lion, mahatango1, Royersford, rudedude, Robert D (??), bluesteel23, CoolBean (2nd bracket), Ronald (?? -- 2nd bracket), Phil's Rug, JTLion, and wbcincy, with 40 points

9th place - ncwref, Sheet of Integrity (??), The Stan, NitneLiun, leatherhelmet, and Offside Clyde, with 39 points.

10th place - ktownlion, Woodpecker, yours truly (2nd bracket) , fkkkjm, charles (??), The Stan (2nd bracket), David (??), bmejnes, PointingDogsRule, and Jay Wright (??), with 38 points.

Congrats to all of the aforementioned.

I'm not even sure if twak played, so it's kind of hard for me to gloat. ;)

My thanks to all that played. We'll have another BWI Pick'Em for the college football season.
Dumb luck for me to finish that high, particularly with Nova loosing so early. Thanks for putting it together Tom.
Dumb luck for me to finish that high, particularly with Nova loosing so early. Thanks for putting it together Tom.

well now I feel dumb for wondering who Ralphie was. that's impressive to finish 3rd with your pick to win it all losing in the 2nd round.
Now that UNC has won the Championship game, here are the final standings:

1st place - your's truly, with 47 points

2nd place - nitlion7176, with 46 points

3rd place - Ralphie, with 45 points

4th place - marvin (??), RochLion, and Ronald (??), wtih 44 points

5th place - Dalions, Neff, Fac, BrownDog, and CigarOwl, with 43 points

6th place - bna, sheckman, PennStatenate, Bob78, and john4psu, with 42 points

7th place - Coach Lun (??), AustinLion, lionville, CoolBean, Chuckstar (??), ChrisD (??), and RochLion (2nd bracket), with 41 points

8th place - Old Timer, CF Lion, mahatango1, Royersford, rudedude, Robert D (??), bluesteel23, CoolBean (2nd bracket), Ronald (?? -- 2nd bracket), Phil's Rug, JTLion, and wbcincy, with 40 points

9th place - ncwref, Sheet of Integrity (??), The Stan, NitneLiun, leatherhelmet, and Offside Clyde, with 39 points.

10th place - ktownlion, Woodpecker, your's truly (2nd bracket) , fkkkjm, charles (??), The Stan (2nd bracket), David (??), bmejnes, PointingDogsRule, and Jay Wright (??), with 38 points.

Congrats to all of the aforementioned.

I'm not even sure if twak played, so it's kind of hard for me to gloat. ;)

My thanks to all that played. We'll have another BWI Pick'Em for the college football season.
Thanks for running the pool, Tom. It's always fun to play. Lucky for you that I ran out of time before I could change my Nova over Wiscy pick, or you'd have only tied for the win!