2019 NCAA Wrestling Championships 1st Round Comparisons

3 days to go!

If you like using the WrestleStat comparisons, we've created a "Hub" page that will be used throughout all of Nationals this year.

For each session, we'll be putting out these comparison pages, like the one linked above. Each time a new one gets released, we'll be updating this Hub page with the appropriate link.

This way, you guys/gals can just bookmark a single page, and get to all the comparisons that we come up with. Should make it real easy while there so you don't have to hunt through message board posts...

Here it is:
Good stuff... always find these interesting. Both possible first round opponents for Hall predict regular decision. I'm definitely expecting bonus. The total bonus points for us in the first round predicted to be 6-7, depending on whether Nolf faces Klucker or Anderson. I'd take the over on that too.
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1st round comparisons have been updated to reflect the bracket change at 125.
Oh, oops, here’s the answer to what I was asking in an earlier thread. Thanks.
Updated to reflect the re-draw at 285. Jake Gunning out, Jacob Aven in (plus seed shift from 33 thru 24)
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