Holy cow guys, where the heck is this going? Flukes, aberrations, statistically justified, anomalies, abominations and inconceivable wins (ok, those last 2 were provided as jokes, I believe). Sorry, but it all sounds a bit over-the-top rationalization to me, and a bit home-cooked at that.
Myles Martin earned his wins...good for him. Nothing fluky about it. My take is that every one of Bo's losses (wins too), has made him a better wrestler, and while I know they were painful for him at the time, they're also in the past, and he's done nothing but look ahead...and has done so with class. No excuses.
Generally speaking, upsets happen every day in sports. The better man, the better woman, the better team, doesn't always win. And it's because, imo, on any given day, the opponent was actually better. Sports are "games of inches", sometimes with talent levels that are close enough to talk about "odds", or the distinction given to one persons likelihood of winning...and of course we're dealing with human beings here, so the "human" factors affecting outcomes has to be considered. Removing tinted lenses here, I could say something like, "Bo should win 8 out of 10 times if they wrestled today", or something to that effect (don't judge the 8 of 10 comment, I'm using it as an example).