Have you noticed that all the "lawyers" who regularly post on here defending their profession... (including the massive number of lawyers whose corrupt "Morality" - i.e., their belief system in regards to "fundamental right & wrong" - and extreme narcissism allow them to rationalize all manner of behavior in the name of "self-interest" and have acted as a "social moral cancer" on our Political, Law Enforcement and Judicial System of Government).... as well as the PA Judicial and Law Enforcement Systems (both of which have become corrupted by self-interested, politicized, morally-corrupt LAWYERS), have no explanation whatsoever regarding these MASSIVE FAILINGS and COMPLETE INJUSTICES of the PA Judicial, Law Enforcement and Political Systems of "Government" run virtually exclusively by MORALLY-CORRUPT LAWYERS which have resulted in the tyranny of the populace via the complete and utter trampling of Citizens supposedly "Guaranteed and Protected" Constitutional Rights (both by the PA and US Constitutions) born of IMMORAL ACTS by the very PUBLIC SERVANT LAWYERS who swear to PROTECT, DEFEND AND UPHOLD THESE FUNDAMENTAL INALIENABLE MORAL RIGHTS? (i.e., "inalienable" in that they were not CREATED by mankind, but are rather "fundamental" to our existence in the universe, and therefore cannot be DISMISSED by any person, but rather ACCRUE to ALL PEOPLE).
IOW, America has become precisely what our Founding Fathers waged their entire existence ON PRINCIPLE to eliminate from this country - UNJUST, IMMORAL TYRANNY perpetrated by morally-corrupt MEN who wish to act as if they are "God" rather than the fundamental belief in "all men being created equal" and "blind justice" (i.e., justice and the law is applied equally to all regardless of who you are). This Country has become "Modern Rome" and is run both Poltically and Industrially by morally-bankrupt -- actually worse, "morally-depraved", principle-less, ethic-less scumbags who no more believe in the Founding Father's Constitution (or Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address) than they believe in the Man on the Moon. They believe in extreme narcissism, self-interest, self-aggrandizing agendas, entitlement and "the ends justify the means regardless of means" to the point of complete moral socio-pathology and beyond). IOW, the very definition of the Creed of the Anti-Christ, Belial, - i.e., the diametric opposite of "The Golden Rule". I was taught something as a youngster in regards to "Morality" - i.e., your belief system in fundamental right and wrong - that I have found to be extremely true in my lifetime: "If you believe in nothing, you will stand for anything; but if you truly believe in something, you will stand on principle.". Again, our Founding Fathers made a pledge to one another of their entire fortunes and existence if necessary ON THE PRINCIPLES espoused in the Constitution - IOW, they stood ON PRINCIPLE to the death if necessary, because they truly believed in these principles. We have become a nation lead by scumbags who "believe in nothing (beyond narcissism) and will stand for anything that benefits that self-interest" - hypocritical, cowardly, self-promoting scumbags, charlatans, thieves and whores who have no sacred principles or beliefs to be "courageous" about and the antithesis of what role-models and "leadership" is all about.