5+ years on, the media is still milking us for every last click.

This news is a complete non-story. By RULE, given the fact of the grading of the offense of which Spanier was convicted and the length of the sentence imposed, he is ABSOLUTELY entitled to bail while his appeal is pending. No discretion by court to rule otherwise.
This news is a complete non-story. By RULE, given the fact of the grading of the offense of which Spanier was convicted and the length of the sentence imposed, he is ABSOLUTELY entitled to bail while his appeal is pending. No discretion by court to rule otherwise.

So how was Boccabella's absurd ruling on Feb 1, 2017 reinstating Felony Charges (and his March 1, 2017 Ruling re: C/S&S's immediate 2/15/2017 Appeal of this absurd ruling), Chages that had been thrown out by the Higher Court in Jan 2016 (and not appealed by the OAG), and then the OAG using these reinstated Felony Charges to improperly threaten, cajole and tyrannize Curley and Schultz into signing a lesser Misdemeanor "Plea Bargain", not a clear act of "Contempt of Court" regarding the Higher Court's, the PA Superior Court's, Jan 2016 Ruling???
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So I guess you think OJ is innocent?

Jury foreman called the Spanier verdict a mistake... nothing to see here! - michnittlion

I think OJ was "not guilty" --- which is different than innocent, of course --- as regards the murder of Ron and Nichole. I accept that decision.

The decision reached in the courtroom - that is THE final decision as regards criminal culpability in the United States. Spanier is a convicted criminal. That's just a fact.

The jury foreman saying it was a mistake - that is absolutely useless information to me. What's the point? If he thought it was a mistake, say so in the jury room! It's absolutely useless saying so now!
I think OJ was "not guilty" --- which is different than innocent, of course --- as regards the murder of Ron and Nichole. I accept that decision.

The decision reached in the courtroom - that is THE final decision as regards criminal culpability in the United States. Spanier is a convicted criminal. That's just a fact.

The jury foreman saying it was a mistake - that is absolutely useless information to me. What's the point? If he thought it was a mistake, say so in the jury room! It's absolutely useless saying so now!

All you remaining "Spanier Loyalists" and (worst of all) "Sandusky Loyalists" --- you all ARE zombies!

Spanier and Sandusky aren't worthy of your loyalty! They both failed Penn State and PSU's thousands of alums! Their criminal convictions prove such! We're all better than Spanier and Sandusky, and we can shape PSU's bright future!

It's over! Move on!
Have you noticed that all the "lawyers" who regularly post on here defending their profession... (including the massive number of lawyers whose corrupt "Morality" - i.e., their belief system in regards to "fundamental right & wrong" - and extreme narcissism allow them to rationalize all manner of behavior in the name of "self-interest" and have acted as a "social moral cancer" on our Political, Law Enforcement and Judicial System of Government).... as well as the PA Judicial and Law Enforcement Systems (both of which have become corrupted by self-interested, politicized, morally-corrupt LAWYERS), have no explanation whatsoever regarding these MASSIVE FAILINGS and COMPLETE INJUSTICES of the PA Judicial, Law Enforcement and Political Systems of "Government" run virtually exclusively by MORALLY-CORRUPT LAWYERS which have resulted in the tyranny of the populace via the complete and utter trampling of Citizens supposedly "Guaranteed and Protected" Constitutional Rights (both by the PA and US Constitutions) born of IMMORAL ACTS by the very PUBLIC SERVANT LAWYERS who swear to PROTECT, DEFEND AND UPHOLD THESE FUNDAMENTAL INALIENABLE MORAL RIGHTS? (i.e., "inalienable" in that they were not CREATED by mankind, but are rather "fundamental" to our existence in the universe, and therefore cannot be DISMISSED by any person, but rather ACCRUE to ALL PEOPLE).

IOW, America has become precisely what our Founding Fathers waged their entire existence ON PRINCIPLE to eliminate from this country - UNJUST, IMMORAL TYRANNY perpetrated by morally-corrupt MEN who wish to act as if they are "God" rather than the fundamental belief in "all men being created equal" and "blind justice" (i.e., justice and the law is applied equally to all regardless of who you are). This Country has become "Modern Rome" and is run both Poltically and Industrially by morally-bankrupt -- actually worse, "morally-depraved", principle-less, ethic-less scumbags who no more believe in the Founding Father's Constitution (or Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address) than they believe in the Man on the Moon. They believe in extreme narcissism, self-interest, self-aggrandizing agendas, entitlement and "the ends justify the means regardless of means" to the point of complete moral socio-pathology and beyond). IOW, the very definition of the Creed of the Anti-Christ, Belial, - i.e., the diametric opposite of "The Golden Rule". I was taught something as a youngster in regards to "Morality" - i.e., your belief system in fundamental right and wrong - that I have found to be extremely true in my lifetime: "If you believe in nothing, you will stand for anything; but if you truly believe in something, you will stand on principle.". Again, our Founding Fathers made a pledge to one another of their entire fortunes and existence if necessary ON THE PRINCIPLES espoused in the Constitution - IOW, they stood ON PRINCIPLE to the death if necessary, because they truly believed in these principles. We have become a nation lead by scumbags who "believe in nothing (beyond narcissism) and will stand for anything that benefits that self-interest" - hypocritical, cowardly, self-promoting scumbags, charlatans, thieves and whores who have no sacred principles or beliefs to be "courageous" about and the antithesis of what role-models and "leadership" is all about.
" (including the massive number of lawyers whose corrupt "Morality" - i.e., their belief system in regards to "fundamental right & wrong" - and extreme narcissism allow them to rationalize all manner of behavior in the name of "self-interest" and have acted as a "social moral cancer" on our Political, Law Enforcement and Judicial System of Government)"...Is there a Common Core allowable limit as to the length of a parenthetical comment?
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All you remaining "Spanier Loyalists" and (worst of all) "Sandusky Loyalists" --- you all ARE zombies!

Spanier and Sandusky aren't worthy of your loyalty! They both failed Penn State and PSU's thousands of alums! Their criminal convictions prove such! We're all better than Spanier and Sandusky, and we can shape PSU's bright future!

It's over! Move on!
Spanier's signature is on my Penn State diploma. Who's signature is on yours?
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Spanier's signature is on my Penn State diploma. Who's signature is on yours?

Spanier's signature is on my diploma as well.

The most important name on that diploma though? Certainly not Spanier's name. It's my name. I earned it. My undergraduate degree is MY accomplishment.

I don't need Spanier's signature to validate my success. He signed my diploma, yes, but he also failed the University I do love.
Greatest Carnac of all time:

Ed McMahon: "Siss Boom Bah"

Carnac: "The sound made when a sheep explodes".
A few more:
A: Clean air, a virgin and a gas station open on Sunday.
Q: Name three things you won't find in Los Angeles.

A: Ben Gay.
Q: Why didn't Mrs. Franklin have any kids?

A: An unmarried woman.
Q: What was Elizabeth Taylor between 3 and 5 pm
on June 1, 1952?
Spanier's signature is on my diploma as well.

The most important name on that diploma though? Certainly not Spanier's name. It's my name. I earned it. My undergraduate degree is MY accomplishment.

I don't need Spanier's signature to validate my success. He signed my diploma, yes, but he also failed the University I do love.
Are you sure you love it? Where did you live your JR year and how many people did you have in your apartment?
I'll spare you the trouble of having to click anything.

Opinion Letters To The Editor ..The Morning Call
Judge's comments insult to Joe Paterno

Penn State football coach Joe Paterno is seen before a 2010 game against Alabama in Tuscaloosa. (Kevin C. Cox/Getty Images File Photo)

Here we go again. Judge John Boccabella continues to drag coach Joe Paterno into the Jerry Sandusky fiasco by making statements like Paterno "could have made that phone call without so much as getting his hands dirty. Why he didn't is beyond me."

I guess the judge wanted Paterno to call the police after he was told by Mike McQueary about seeing something improper? Why didn't McQueary call the police? Let me explain to the judge why the coach did not call. It is called chain of command. You deal with your immediate supervisor which Paterno did by contacting athletic director Tim Curley and Curley should have gone to his supervisor, etc. When the upper management did nothing, Paterno later said, "I wish I had done more."

What an insulting thing for a judge to say. If Boccabella wants to know "Why he didn't is beyond me," I would be happy to explain it to him.

Frank Ballo
Opinion Letters To The Editor ..The Morning Call
Judge's comments insult to Joe Paterno

Penn State football coach Joe Paterno is seen before a 2010 game against Alabama in Tuscaloosa. (Kevin C. Cox/Getty Images File Photo)

Here we go again. Judge John Boccabella continues to drag coach Joe Paterno into the Jerry Sandusky fiasco by making statements like Paterno "could have made that phone call without so much as getting his hands dirty. Why he didn't is beyond me."

I guess the judge wanted Paterno to call the police after he was told by Mike McQueary about seeing something improper? Why didn't McQueary call the police? Let me explain to the judge why the coach did not call. It is called chain of command. You deal with your immediate supervisor which Paterno did by contacting athletic director Tim Curley and Curley should have gone to his supervisor, etc. When the upper management did nothing, Paterno later said, "I wish I had done more."

What an insulting thing for a judge to say. If Boccabella wants to know "Why he didn't is beyond me," I would be happy to explain it to him.

Frank Ballo

Ummm, lot worse than that - why didn't Mike McQueary, John McQueary or Dr. Dranov call police all of whom, ACCORDING TO THE STATE's OWN INDICTMENT DOCS, had knowledge of an anal-rape sexual assault of a 10 year old child IN-PROGRESS and willfully choose not to place a call to police/911. Failing to report an obvious crime in-progress is prosecuted as "Accessory After the Fact" in most localities (prosecuted under OoJ in PA) and is a very serious crime.

Furthermore, the Judge's statements are ridiculous on their face given that The State brought no such charges against MM, JM or Dr. D, because MM testified that he was making an "Administrative HR Report" to JVP and only expressed concerns he had regarding the circumstances and what Sandusky's "motivations" might have been for being there (i.e., "conjecture"). MM testified that he never told JVP (or "anyone" for that matter) that he "saw" a sexual assault of any kind. MM also said he was very obtuse and non-specific with JVP. And finally, MM telling JVP (and all the other parties involved in the well after-the-fact HR Report to PSU) that he did not call police, nor did his Father or Dr. Dranov when he told them about what was still an "IN-PROGRESS" SITUATION, would immediately tell anybody taking such an HR REPORT that the reporter did not believe they saw a crime, let alone "anal-rape" as The State claims MM "saw" and told JM, Dr. D, JVP, TC and GS he SAW. Oh yea, let's not forget Mike McQueary has testified multiple times, at multiple trials that the OAG is LYING when they claim he testified to the GJ that he "saw" or "eyewitnessed" such a thing (as the OAG clearly does in their Fraudulent Presentment) and that he (MM) testified in the diametric opposite fashion to the 30th PA Statewide Investigating Grand Jury that he did NOT see or eyewitness what the OAG claims in their FALSE PRESENTMENT and he NEVER TOLD ANYONE HE HAD. Oh yea part deux, JM and Dr. D say the OAG is lying in their Presentment and that MM NEVER told them anything about seeing a sexual assault of any kind, let alone seeing the anal-rape of the child, and had he told them such a thing, they would have called police immediately. Futhermore they testified that they recommended he make an "after the fact" HR report to his employer specifically because he told them NOTHING OF SUBSTANCE that gave them any inclination to call police or that anything definitively illegal was taking place (and Dr. Dranov has testified that he was a TRAINED MANDATORY REPORTER via his medical practices contact with children).

Complete absurd nonsense to not charge an "eyewitness" (who testifies he's not an eyewitness to the OAG's claims) and two parties with contemporaneous reports of a child-rape IN-PROGRESS (at least one of them a "Mandatory Reporter" under CPSL) who supposedly willfully failed to report the RAPE IN-PROGRESS, but then charge parties getting an "After The Fact Administrative HR Report" that includes the supposed "eyewitness" (who testified the OAG is lying when they call him that) telling the HR Administrators that he himself, nor his dad or Dr. Dranov called police/911 regarding the situation he is describing on the evening of 2/9/2001?!?!
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I think OJ was "not guilty" --- which is different than innocent, of course --- as regards the murder of Ron and Nichole. I accept that decision.

The decision reached in the courtroom - that is THE final decision as regards criminal culpability in the United States. Spanier is a convicted criminal. That's just a fact.

The jury foreman saying it was a mistake - that is absolutely useless information to me. What's the point? If he thought it was a mistake, say so in the jury room! It's absolutely useless saying so now!

Your post - that is absolutely useless information to me. What's the point?
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I think OJ was "not guilty" --- which is different than innocent, of course --- as regards the murder of Ron and Nichole. I accept that decision.

The decision reached in the courtroom - that is THE final decision as regards criminal culpability in the United States. Spanier is a convicted criminal. That's just a fact.

The jury foreman saying it was a mistake - that is absolutely useless information to me. What's the point? If he thought it was a mistake, say so in the jury room! It's absolutely useless saying so now!

Convictions can't be overturned? Who knew.
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He knows he has nothing to do with Michigan. Frat boy that has connections to the BOT and always wanted to get rid of Joe. Thanks Doug!

His credibility on this board has been gone for a long time because of all the lies he has been caught in. However, according to him this type of behavior will get him into heaven.