I'm not going to click through 60+ slides to find out who is #1.....but IMO, it's Earl Anthony and then everyone else.
Earl Anthony, and the guy out there now that looks like Bob Ross. That's really all you need to know.
Yea, my dad liked him. Was he not a grocery-store bagger then went over to practice bowling on his lunch hour??
Pete Webber also was a very good one.
Yea, my dad liked him. Was he not a grocery-store bagger then went over to practice bowling on his lunch hour??
Pete Webber also was a very good one.
We’ll count it only if you get your mind out of the gutter!I averaged 190 and got an "A" in Bowling II at Rec Hall. Does that count?
Just a little humor!
'fair' is this guy really you sir? PSUKnocker said it was!! Nice follow through sir! I ,mean that.
Fred Flintstone was the best considering he had to overcome that irregularly shaped bowling ball
chris schenkelI have to go with Earl Anthony 0r Dick Weber. Old enough to remember when Pro Bowlers Tour was a Saturday staple of sports tv.