Here we go again.
There have actually been studies done and traffic fatalities are NOT increasing in legalized states; they may be going down on a population basis. That myth should have been put to bed a long time ago -- legalizing pot does not kill anybody.
The drug warriors will never give up because they don't care about the truth, they just want to be everybody's nanny -- and have the government pay them a nice salary to do it. Almost always when you see a drug warrior defending the status quo, there's a paycheck in it.
I am sick of my tax money being wasted on this. We have spent billions upon billions of dollars arresting and imprisoning people for smoking weed, taking their houses and cars, giving millions of people (mostly black people) criminal records so they can never again hold a job or be a tax-paying citizens.
It is pretty close to the worse use of taxpayer money that I've seen in my lifetime -- and that is saying something because the government sure is good at wasting money.
I want my tax dollars spent on law enforcement that actually increases safety. That is what the criminal justice system is for. I do not want to pay the government to be some kind of social nanny.