A few of our friends featured in ABC27 story about today's rally (pro-Kane, against Williams, Fina)


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2001
Many thanks to Ceil Masella, John Yonchuk and Wendy Silverwood, among others, for their outstanding efforts.

Citizens 4 Kane rally in support of beleaguered attorney general
By Dennis Owens
September 10, 2015

<video available at link:>

HARRISBURG, Pa. (WHTM) – It was the first public display of affection for Attorney General Kathleen Kane since her legal troubles started months ago.

“We are citizens four Kane, but more importantly we are citizens for common sense,” Ceil Masella of Aston, Pennsylvania told a crowd of about a dozen in the Capitol Rotunda Thursday afternoon.

What they lacked in number, they made up for with passion in their belief that powerful Pennsylvanians have brought charges against Kane because she had uncovered their exchange of pornographic emails on state computers.

“A strong woman wants to clean up the system in Pennsylvania and she is being bullied by a bunch of men who have been caught red handed,” Masella continued from the podium.

The group also criticized an attempt by the courts to strip Kane of her law license, which is reportedly happening behind the scenes, as a lack of due process.

Masella put it much more colorfully, “a sleazy, desperate action on the part of sleazy, desperate politicians.”

Kane did not attend the rally, but sent a letter that was read aloud to the crowd, which was more media than supporters.

“I feel that this fight is not just about me, but about every person in Pennsylvania, who I vowed I would stand up for. Because of that, it is a fight worth fighting,” Kane wrote.

The group also had wanted signs with Frank Fina’s picture. Fina is the former AG prosecutor, and alleged Kane nemesis, who sent and received XXX emails but has not been disciplined while Kane faces charges. They call that a double standard.

“Again, Mr. Fina was sending and receiving those emails we’re talking about while prosecuting a now-convicted child molester (Jerry Sandusky),” John Yonchuk of Valley Forge said to great applause.

Former House Speaker, and convicted felon, Bill DeWeese was overheard complaining that Fina sent him to jail for allegedly using state computers for campaign work while Fina used state computers to distribute graphic porn.

DeWeese declined media inquires for official comment.

“It looked like a convention of conspiracy theorists here today,” said activist Gene Stilp, who has called for Kane to resign and the courts to suspend her license.

Stilp called the Citizens 4 Kane event the “most bizarre press conference” he’s ever seen. Stilp agrees with the ralliers that others in state government have done wrong in this case, but says that doesn’t excuse the attorney general.

“She made mistakes,” Stilp said with great emphasis. “She made mistakes. The prosecutors who had negative emails, sexual emails, they made mistakes, too. Everybody made mistakes.”

But Kane’s supporters have nagging doubts that something isn’t quite right in this case. They accuse the judicial system of being too political and the media of being too cozy with powerbrokers and fear that Kane’s being railroaded.

“The rush to judgement, the media spin and hype, we’re just not getting enough details, not getting enough information,” said Wendy Silverwood, a self-described angry mom from West Chester who is so frustrated by the Kane case that she drove to Harrisburg to speak her mind.

“It’s just unfair,” she said.

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Many thanks to Ceil Masella, John Yonchuk and Wendy Silverwood, among others, for their outstanding efforts.

Citizens 4 Kane rally in support of beleaguered attorney general
By Dennis Owens
September 10, 2015

<video available at link:>

HARRISBURG, Pa. (WHTM) – It was the first public display of affection for Attorney General Kathleen Kane since her legal troubles started months ago.

“We are citizens four Kane, but more importantly we are citizens for common sense,” Ceil Masella of Aston, Pennsylvania told a crowd of about a dozen in the Capitol Rotunda Thursday afternoon.

What they lacked in number, they made up for with passion in their belief that powerful Pennsylvanians have brought charges against Kane because she had uncovered their exchange of pornographic emails on state computers.

“A strong woman wants to clean up the system in Pennsylvania and she is being bullied by a bunch of men who have been caught red handed,” Masella continued from the podium.

The group also criticized an attempt by the courts to strip Kane of her law license, which is reportedly happening behind the scenes, as a lack of due process.

Masella put it much more colorfully, “a sleazy, desperate action on the part of sleazy, desperate politicians.”

Kane did not attend the rally, but sent a letter that was read aloud to the crowd, which was more media than supporters.

“I feel that this fight is not just about me, but about every person in Pennsylvania, who I vowed I would stand up for. Because of that, it is a fight worth fighting,” Kane wrote.

The group also had wanted signs with Frank Fina’s picture. Fina is the former AG prosecutor, and alleged Kane nemesis, who sent and received XXX emails but has not been disciplined while Kane faces charges. They call that a double standard.

“Again, Mr. Fina was sending and receiving those emails we’re talking about while prosecuting a now-convicted child molester (Jerry Sandusky),” John Yonchuk of Valley Forge said to great applause.

Former House Speaker, and convicted felon, Bill DeWeese was overheard complaining that Fina sent him to jail for allegedly using state computers for campaign work while Fina used state computers to distribute graphic porn.

DeWeese declined media inquires for official comment.

“It looked like a convention of conspiracy theorists here today,” said activist Gene Stilp, who has called for Kane to resign and the courts to suspend her license.

Stilp called the Citizens 4 Kane event the “most bizarre press conference” he’s ever seen. Stilp agrees with the ralliers that others in state government have done wrong in this case, but says that doesn’t excuse the attorney general.

“She made mistakes,” Stilp said with great emphasis. “She made mistakes. The prosecutors who had negative emails, sexual emails, they made mistakes, too. Everybody made mistakes.”

But Kane’s supporters have nagging doubts that something isn’t quite right in this case. They accuse the judicial system of being too political and the media of being too cozy with powerbrokers and fear that Kane’s being railroaded.

“The rush to judgement, the media spin and hype, we’re just not getting enough details, not getting enough information,” said Wendy Silverwood, a self-described angry mom from West Chester who is so frustrated by the Kane case that she drove to Harrisburg to speak her mind.

“It’s just unfair,” she said.


They did a great job!!!
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Never thought I'd see the day I agree with Gene Stilp:

Gene Stilp, a long-time capitol activist who came out of retirement to file actions for disciplinary and ethics investigations against Kane, observed the press conference and called it “bizarre.”

“It was a convention of conspiracy theorists,” Stilp said.

Never thought I'd see the day when anyone ADMITTED TO agreeing with Gene "I see a camera.....quick, give me a cause" Stilp.

Who's your "Community Building" role model......Charlie Manson?

Never thought I'd see the day I agree with Gene Stilp:

Gene Stilp, a long-time capitol activist who came out of retirement to file actions for disciplinary and ethics investigations against Kane, observed the press conference and called it “bizarre.”

“It was a convention of conspiracy theorists,” Stilp said.
This one seems to have jumped the shark.
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Never thought I'd see the day I agree with Gene Stilp:

Gene Stilp, a long-time capitol activist who came out of retirement to file actions for disciplinary and ethics investigations against Kane, observed the press conference and called it “bizarre.”

“It was a convention of conspiracy theorists,” Stilp said.

You're an idiot.