A kindler, gentler Philadelphia?

That memo should never be released. Not enough safe places available in the City to protect the "Snowflakes", if Philly wins.
You know I just don't get the anti-Philadelphia (and anti-Pittsburgh) stuff.

I went to school in Philadelphia. I worked in Center City for ten years. I've closed down bars from Roxborough to Olde City to South Street.

By and large, it's a fine city. The people have a bit of an edge, but if you think they're somehow bad, then you've never been to Boston or New York. You want to have a good time in Philadelphia? Easy. Don't be a dick. Don't antagonize people. Don't get gooned up and start looking for trouble.

It's a big city. People get arrested everywhere. People do ass things in downtown State College every game night without fail and get hauled off.

After the Super Bowl if the Eagles win there will be massive parties and unbridled drunkenness. And you know what will happen? The Police Department will bend over backwards to let people have their fun and do their best to keep them safe. Somebody is going to punch a horse or start a fight or try to torch a car and they will get the wood shampoo - as well they should. Same as happens everywhere. Carson Street was off the chain last year when the Pens won again, let alone when the Steelers won.

It's not a Philly thing - it's a drunk-and-stupid thing. And it happens everywhere.

Now I'm in Pittsburgh now for the second time, over 20 years all told, and I love it and I surely appreciate the rivalry. And I'm not planning a move back East. They'll plant me here some day. But the constant sniping, doesn't it get stale and tiresome?
You know I just don't get the anti-Philadelphia (and anti-Pittsburgh) stuff.

I went to school in Philadelphia. I worked in Center City for ten years. I've closed down bars from Roxborough to Olde City to South Street.

By and large, it's a fine city. The people have a bit of an edge, but if you think they're somehow bad, then you've never been to Boston or New York. You want to have a good time in Philadelphia? Easy. Don't be a dick. Don't antagonize people. Don't get gooned up and start looking for trouble.

It's a big city. People get arrested everywhere. People do ass things in downtown State College every game night without fail and get hauled off.

After the Super Bowl if the Eagles win there will be massive parties and unbridled drunkenness. And you know what will happen? The Police Department will bend over backwards to let people have their fun and do their best to keep them safe. Somebody is going to punch a horse or start a fight or try to torch a car and they will get the wood shampoo - as well they should. Same as happens everywhere. Carson Street was off the chain last year when the Pens won again, let alone when the Steelers won.

It's not a Philly thing - it's a drunk-and-stupid thing. And it happens everywhere.

Now I'm in Pittsburgh now for the second time, over 20 years all told, and I love it and I surely appreciate the rivalry. And I'm not planning a move back East. They'll plant me here some day. But the constant sniping, doesn't it get stale and tiresome?

It's sad and pathetic, but posters like harbest, GLOV, john4psu, and Greg are sad and pathetic people who live sad and pathetic lives.
You know I just don't get the anti-Philadelphia (and anti-Pittsburgh) stuff. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

But the constant sniping, doesn't it get stale and tiresome?

Indeed it does. I have my faults, but one of them is not condemning where other people live. I will boast about Pittsburgh, but it has it's flaws just like every other city. I have no problem with legitimate criticism, but there is too much pettiness. That said, I'd better get off my soapbox and head off to bed. I need my beauty sleep (lots of it).;)
Oh blow it out your ass sir!

And I thought we were friends!!

We were never friends. Just like your friend SgtCarter, you are/were both pathetic losers who hide behind their keyboards acting like tough guys. Both of you are/were never man enough to actually say anything to people's faces. I've seen pictures of both you and him and you are/were sad, old fools.

Come to Philly and talk your crap. You'll go back in a hearse. Pu$$y.
Am I the only one who takes it in a good natured fashion and finds it funny from both sides? Can't people poke fun anymore?

No, not when it's one sided. Some of you Pittsburgh cowards have it coming to you. Posters like that pu$$y GLOV need to man up or go home. Come on GLOV, be a man for once in your pathetic life.
We were never friends. Just like your friend SgtCarter, you are/were both pathetic losers who hide behind their keyboards acting like tough guys. Both of you are/were never man enough to actually say anything to people's faces. I've seen pictures of both you and him and you are/were sad, old fools.

Come to Philly and talk your crap. You'll go back in a hearse. Pu$$y.

And, you stalk people?

Better make sure your last will and testament is up to date if you ever, ever threaten me or attempt to harm me in person.

Have a {safe} and Happy New Year!
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It's sad and pathetic, but posters like harbest, GLOV, john4psu, and Greg are sad and pathetic people who live sad and pathetic lives.

Am I the only one who takes it in a good natured fashion and finds it funny from both sides? Can't people poke fun anymore?

You're pretty much alone. For all intents and purposes this is a PSU board first, an Iggles board second. You can thank the Grand Puba for that. But it's cool. I get a kick out of people who go nuclear over their professional sports team, regardless of what team it is, and Iggles fans make for such inviting targets. Look, these reports of bad experiences at 'The Linc' aren't fictional. And at times board is the virtual-reality version.
You know I just don't get the anti-Philadelphia (and anti-Pittsburgh) stuff.

I went to school in Philadelphia. I worked in Center City for ten years. I've closed down bars from Roxborough to Olde City to South Street.

By and large, it's a fine city. The people have a bit of an edge, but if you think they're somehow bad, then you've never been to Boston or New York. You want to have a good time in Philadelphia? Easy. Don't be a dick. Don't antagonize people. Don't get gooned up and start looking for trouble.

It's a big city. People get arrested everywhere. People do ass things in downtown State College every game night without fail and get hauled off.

After the Super Bowl if the Eagles win there will be massive parties and unbridled drunkenness. And you know what will happen? The Police Department will bend over backwards to let people have their fun and do their best to keep them safe. Somebody is going to punch a horse or start a fight or try to torch a car and they will get the wood shampoo - as well they should. Same as happens everywhere. Carson Street was off the chain last year when the Pens won again, let alone when the Steelers won.

It's not a Philly thing - it's a drunk-and-stupid thing. And it happens everywhere.

Now I'm in Pittsburgh now for the second time, over 20 years all told, and I love it and I surely appreciate the rivalry. And I'm not planning a move back East. They'll plant me here some day. But the constant sniping, doesn't it get stale and tiresome?

These news reports are fictional. :rolleyes:
You're pretty much alone. For all intents and purposes this is a PSU board first, an Iggles board second. You can thank the Grand Puba for that. But it's cool. I get a kick out of people who go nuclear over their professional sports team, regardless of what team it is, and Iggles fans make for such inviting targets. Look, these reports of bad experiences at 'The Linc' aren't fictional. And at times board is the virtual-reality version.

Another friend die?? Another boohoo, sob story?? Huh, Cosmos?? lol
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You know I just don't get the anti-Philadelphia (and anti-Pittsburgh) stuff.

I went to school in Philadelphia. I worked in Center City for ten years. I've closed down bars from Roxborough to Olde City to South Street.

By and large, it's a fine city. The people have a bit of an edge, but if you think they're somehow bad, then you've never been to Boston or New York. You want to have a good time in Philadelphia? Easy. Don't be a dick. Don't antagonize people. Don't get gooned up and start looking for trouble.

It's a big city. People get arrested everywhere. People do ass things in downtown State College every game night without fail and get hauled off.

After the Super Bowl if the Eagles win there will be massive parties and unbridled drunkenness. And you know what will happen? The Police Department will bend over backwards to let people have their fun and do their best to keep them safe. Somebody is going to punch a horse or start a fight or try to torch a car and they will get the wood shampoo - as well they should. Same as happens everywhere. Carson Street was off the chain last year when the Pens won again, let alone when the Steelers won.

It's not a Philly thing - it's a drunk-and-stupid thing. And it happens everywhere.

Now I'm in Pittsburgh now for the second time, over 20 years all told, and I love it and I surely appreciate the rivalry. And I'm not planning a move back East. They'll plant me here some day. But the constant sniping, doesn't it get stale and tiresome?

THIS^^^^^ the idea that all Philadelphia sports fans are drunk, angry and like to do stupid things is about as dumb as the idea that all Penn State fans are pedophile enablers and put football over child safety. I know I personally didn't say a thing when the steelers got beat by the jags, because, well, I was raised better than that. Did I root for the Jags? absolutely, but do unto others and whatnot. Sadly, some people weren't raised properly or grew up in a trailer park or took the "special" classes in school. I'm not naming names because it's really easy for anyone to distinguish between the ones who are poking fun and the ones who are legitimately a$$clowns. But I will say that it gets old REALLY fast. Poke your fun then move on and go back to being an adult again.
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I was born in Philly but am from York. Spent 4 years in Philly after my four years in State College. Philly is a different animal, but I loved it! You have to know where to go and which guys are Jersey trash so you can avoid a fight when you're just trying to have a good time. Other than that, tons to do, reasonable prices on goods/services and COL (compared to Boston), good people, good diversity of background. Don't wander into the wrong neighborhood -- it's likely 1 block away from your favorite bar at any given moment!
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Sadly, some people weren't raised properly or grew up in a trailer park or took the "special" classes in school

:confused:... Ran away from my parents and my grandfather raised me. Lived in a trailer park in Aurora, Colorado until we got military housing & I took 'special" speech classes in second grade to better pronounce "R's". :(

Thanks for the inspirational words. Now I feel like a Pitter and the need to hide from humanity. Man I feel low. :p:p:p:p
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:confused:... Ran away from my parents and my grandfather raised me. Lived in a trailer park in Aurora, Colorado until we got military housing & I took 'special" speech classes in second grade to better pronounce "R's". :(

Thanks for the inspirational words. Now I feel like a Pitter and the need to hide from humanity. Man I feel low. :p:p:p:p

but but but... I said "some"!!! ;)

your comprehensive knowledge of single malts puts you on higher plane than 99.999% of the jagoffs on this board. Sir, I tip my hat to you!
It's sad and pathetic, but posters like harbest, GLOV, john4psu, and Greg are sad and pathetic people who live sad and pathetic lives.

Don't look now, but there's one man too many in this room, and I think it's you.
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You pittsburgh wussies want to be left alone?? OK, I understand.

1 I live on the other end of the state and have no care or interest in anything related to Pittsburgh.

2 Don't call me a wussie, wussie.

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